Saturday, September 29, 2007
October is almost upon us
I have a great idea of a hollow-wierd mask, how about a mask of osama? Just don't wear it to the airport. I mean, this man is a real monsta. He's more scary than drac or frankie.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Borat osama weight loss secrets
So what do BOrat osama and the gansters take to stay so slim and trim?
HOODia pills.
HOODia pills.
Monday, September 24, 2007
osama gets electric car

Well, moreover, in other news, osama today got an electric car today. It is dangerous to operate a gasoline car in an enclosed space like a garage or carvern (tavern?). He was going to drive his electric vehicle into Washington, but the extension cord was not long enough. I have the same problem with my mower. I once mowed the electric cord - it was a SHOCKING experience.
Friend of osama
The leader of iran AlmonddineJIHAD, adjusted his turban and said he needed more yellow cake, well what do we know, an Eskimo once told me not to eat yellow snow.
Also, this fiend, I mean FRIEND of osama said that he needed to build more nuclear power plants. The guy is swiming in oil, what does he need nuclear power for? That is like an eskimo buying an air conditioner, in case the NORTH POLE gets too hot.
All our presidential candidates are so boring, more boring even than Al Bore. I really look forward Ozoneman and Lurch. joining the race. I still remember last election with Brek Girl and Lurch - beauty and the beast.
Also, this fiend, I mean FRIEND of osama said that he needed to build more nuclear power plants. The guy is swiming in oil, what does he need nuclear power for? That is like an eskimo buying an air conditioner, in case the NORTH POLE gets too hot.
All our presidential candidates are so boring, more boring even than Al Bore. I really look forward Ozoneman and Lurch. joining the race. I still remember last election with Brek Girl and Lurch - beauty and the beast.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
oSAMa vs oBOMBa
Rush Limbaugh says he gets Sen. Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden "confused", well I don't get them confused, I think they are the same person. I mean oSAMa disappears, and oBOMBa appears. (HUMOR)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Future under osama
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Taliban using children as shields
It appears that the terroristic Talibans are using little kids to hide behind. Children are human shields for the inHUMAN.
Wonder what osama thinks about that. He is probably busy adjusting his turdban.
Wonder what osama thinks about that. He is probably busy adjusting his turdban.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Will osama beat hitlery
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
It's a HSUnami
Shrillary Clinton agrees to return $850,000 in tainted cash from Norman Hsu. If I got close to a million dollars from a known fugitive felon, I would be in jail now. Special people get special treatment.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Whatz KRAKIN bro?
I would love to walk up to osama who did dye his greybeard black, guess he is no longer a "grey beard" and say "whatz CRACKin PIMP, u bonz!"
Friday, September 7, 2007
Hitlery D -Punjab
The demonrat from Punjab wants to outsource all US high tech jobs to, you got it, PUNJAB! The few high paying high tech jobs we have left will be gone when shrillary takes over.
HSUnami arrested, bad news 4 shrillary
HSU-nami the crook that was donating all that money to shrillary has been arrrrrested. A tide of discontent or shall we saw a TIDAL WAVE of discontent has washed over the campaign of SHRILLARY.
She takes money from crooks like the HSUnami. She now says she will donate the money to a charity.
She takes money from crooks like the HSUnami. She now says she will donate the money to a charity.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Monday, September 3, 2007
The future of the internet according to osama
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Who will man hating hitlery pick for vp?
KuKu Chicken nich? naw, too crazy, osama? no, too manly.
My money is on brek girl.
My money is on brek girl.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Operation Trojan Donkey
I believe that osama is the ultimate marchurian candidate. He appears to be one thing, but is another.
It is hard to pin the tail on this donkey.
It is hard to pin the tail on this donkey.
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