13 is an unlucky number mon. What can we say on cain. He was a LAD and then some.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
romoney you say

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
end is near
I see the end of an empire. Perhaps that's not what others see. That is how things look at me. Expect prices to increase. Also, for politicians to claim your recovery. Expect a false rapture before a real one. Truly, the end id near.
Monday, December 26, 2011
God bless america
Saturday, December 24, 2011
perry soon gone
Hey, you do not need an HDR rubbing plate to know perry soon gone. OK so news is grim. It can get worse. Well, we believe it will and soon. He had little available money. It is looking more as if romney gonna win.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
santorum you say
I wonder if ric santorum has ever been to santorino island in the aegean sea. It is a beautiful place my fine ones. Love the blue ocean.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Black Berry?
Black Berry is soon gone. Folks, this could be game over. Tech is gone to heck now... Debt is crushing us. Friends, we got no money. People cannot afford to buy gadgets and gizmos.
Friday, December 16, 2011
QE 2.5
QE 2.5 is coming. This is not good news. Get ready to see more prices soar. Inflation is not good for us. QE 2.5 is going to crush your purchasing power.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
run ron run
Social media boosts ron paul campaign. It is truly a new day in our america, What can we now say - run ron run. Oh yes, please do run.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
congress again

Saturday, December 10, 2011
Big is coming
OK some thing big is coming. This is gonna wax super. Like we are talking max major. Please view a movie. It is so real - this FRIGHT mare. Certainly it is time to wake up now.
Friday, December 9, 2011
awesome orion
I love awesome orion. This star group is max. Please keep looking up. Yeah, that is the way. Stars are bright again. Most are easily seen. Like wow, with the naked eye even.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Debate panic
Debate panic we say. Candidates do not want to show up. What are they afraid of anyway. The donald might fire em. Please, that is not how it works in this poor game.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Big boom in gas
Natural gas use is growing. Right now we see a big boom in gas. Could gas fuel an economic expansion. I do really think so. However, necessary storage infrastructure needs to be added in the next few years.
Monday, December 5, 2011
gas prices
Friends, gas prices are falling, but oil prices are rising. Expect trouble at your pump. Things are getting crude for us. It is one long hard winter we face before the spring. Hope you can all stay warm.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
eye on europe

Keep your eye on europe. Big things are coming. Nothing that should surprise you. It is like more of the very same. Folks, the bad news keep on piling up.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
carbon emissions
True, we are in a recession. However, there is a record jump in carbon emissions.
Oh yes, we did say - record jump. Why is this so... OK we see china as the guilty one.
Oh yes, we did say - record jump. Why is this so... OK we see china as the guilty one.
Friday, December 2, 2011
iraq aids iran
OK can some one please explain to me why we did sacrifice even ONE american service man to put this vile gov in power... I did not think so. Hey, but there you go...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
zip car

Friends, there is some super news. Yeah case in point, zip car is driving competition in rental cars. They rent vehicles by the hour now. Like wow, this is max. People can save more money. Also, zip car includes insurance. Well, that one can get to be quite expensive.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
cain gone

What was his name. Oh yes, it was cain. Well, cain is gonna reassesses prez campaign. Meanwhile newt surges. This is truly a very most sinister season.
Monday, November 28, 2011
can grinch catch romney

Hey yo, can grinch catch romney? Like we are no so sure. Let us give some credit to the front runner. He has a class act campaign. Still, people do not like romney. He comes off as mean. Mostly, romney appeals to flag wavers. Ticket is for him to try to be more real to the average person.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Bizarre claims
Bizarre claim for a future of ours. Teleporters will eliminate highways and cars. Also, people will commute all over the globe even. Strange to be sure. However, let us hope we survive. I am wishing all are safe next year.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
stocks soar

There is some good news. Basically it is stocks soar. There was a good Black Friday and talks of a deal in the euro zone. Merchants are hoping for a good holiday season. Hey, we can certainly use one.
Friday, November 25, 2011
China seeing RED

Times are tough for the ordinary person. RED INK I tell you. China manufacturing is in a sharp fall now. Folks, this could not come at a worse time for us. Like the whole world is in a severe recession.
Folks, we do not need proclaimed time travelers to tell us what is coming. It seems very grim. Dim is another word for you.

I hand to get h.g. wells time machine audio book this holiday season. Certainly, it is a good read now. Perhaps, we eloi are tired of the Morlocks that rule over us. Morlocks, go back to your caves. Yeah, leave us.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
iran increasing arms
Folks, iran is increasing arms. Also syria is increasing arms. There is a war coming. Get ready and prepare. People, there are major concerns.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
osama vs right wingers
This just in now. It seems osama was burned in effigy by right wingers. They do not like him very much I guess. Hey, who can say.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Golden State
Hey, look at those 49ers that went to the golden state to find a metal most precious. I mean no one would travel all the way to California to dig up some magnesium. Get real and go for the gold my fine ones. It still has a lot of up. Live Gold Price

gold price charts provided by goldprice.org

gold price charts provided by goldprice.org
europe is gone
Folks, we got an economic crisis. Take a look at our super slow xmas season. There is no money. It is time for a clean up. Basically, europe is gone.
Monday, November 21, 2011
consumers win again

Look at what is going on. Dollar tree is doing super. People are flocking to buy plastic pieces. Disaster is just around the corner. Malls will close due to high vacancies. Well, consumers win again. Expect in the future as more stores close that prices are rising.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Netflix in woe

Saturday, November 19, 2011
poor square
What is poor square. It is a four square for the poor. This could be a success. After all it is hip to be so square. Yeah, even if you are poor.
Friday, November 18, 2011
FDA revokes avastin

FDA revokes avastin in breast cancer. What about a woman who needs avastin to survive. I can imagine a reaction from a congress man. Look I'm very busy right now - excuse me. I don't care. Get out of my way. That is your problem - not mine.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Heat wave is coming

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Glyphosate resisistance

Politicians do not want to talk about this one. Glyphosate resistance is increasing. That is the week crusher known as round up. OK so more weeds means less food for us. Please do not call me an alarmist as you will soon pay more at your grocery.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Learn more
Sunday, November 13, 2011
What future?
People can often ask me - what future? OK, is there even gonna be one. That is the question, and we are no so sure. How is that for an answer...
Saturday, November 12, 2011
anti jew rampage
Brooklyn had an anti jew rampage. This is what is going on. Vagrants did burn seven cars. Truly it is a sad time for many.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Flash is soon gone
Abode is crushing Flash like an orange. This is grim news. It means less jobs for us. Oh yes, and a lot more worry.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Children are we
Children are we. Problem is children have no experience. That is why they make decisions that are very poor. If they do not listen to adults they pay a heavy price.
Friday, November 4, 2011
global warming
Global warming killed the monsters of the ice age. Yeah folks, it was global warming. Just ask al gore. He is art on this one. Wait a minute, what about global cooling as in an ice age.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
There are many evil governments. However, here is the worst. It is called the Scarlet Beast. This is an end time government that has Babylon the Great riding it.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
currency wars
Let us see. OK so currency wars are coming. This is all just common sense. Here is what to see. Take a look at what is going on. China is angry at america. Expect more currency war.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Shelter me
There are some deep underground shelters from vivos. Like there can come in easy soon. People need to feel safe and secure. Let us all hope for things to improve. That said, we can take more aggressive measure. Yeah, like a shelter, just in case.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
no debates says perry
He is hurting now. OK so no debates says perry. It is truly a sad time for us. What we see is more woe.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
cell phone causes cancer
cell phone = no cancer That is what science says. Hey, I am not so sure. Fact is, cell phone causes cancer. People discover what they are pay. I believe it is cell phone companies. Theu want to say that cellular telephone is safe, but that is not so. Please stay very aware.
Friday, October 21, 2011
romney is a mormon

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
cost of living

Folks, our cost of living is going up. Problems are now growing. It is getting max worse. That is due to inflation which was cause via quantitative easing. Like that a look at your grocery. There is in banks too much money. However, in people's pockets that is not the case. Actually, there is a lowering in wages. Mostly, this is due to a jobless rate that is increasing.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
romney versus perry
Today there was a debate on the news. It was an interesting experience. Debate will help decide who is the next prez. Hope he or she is a good one.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Larry Hagman has cancer

Larry Hagman has cancer. He will still do jr. Dallas is still going to happen for us. The show must go on. Well, that is what they say. Hope he does recover. IT would be say for him to go. He was an astronaut in I dream of genie. Found a bottle at the beach near the ocean.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
recovery you say
Well, recovery you say. Recently, we were told that now we were in a recovery. I wish that were so. However, that is not what we are seeing. Senators said things were getting better for our economy.
Told us that it was now improving. Hey, we wish that were our case. Fact is, our economy is worse.
Certainly we must look at small companies. They provide most of the employment for us. Well, they are struggling to survive now. Oh, but we hear about a recovery. For whom? It is from corrupt to the core congress.
Told us that it was now improving. Hey, we wish that were our case. Fact is, our economy is worse.
Certainly we must look at small companies. They provide most of the employment for us. Well, they are struggling to survive now. Oh, but we hear about a recovery. For whom? It is from corrupt to the core congress.
Monday, October 3, 2011
perry in woe
Oh, what can we say on ric perry. He is in woe. It seems some one spray painted on a rock a nasty name. I cannot even utter this name. Well, you see, I live in a politically correct police state where everything is against the law and there is always another law they want to pass. Like, we are so sorry.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Apple iPhone4s
Apple iPhone4s is in. What can we say. Like ring me up. This is the one. Yeah, that we warn you on.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Chicken is too sexy

PETA says chicken is too sexy. The flavor is just too savory. Also, there is the skin which is so crispy. It should be banned even. Gotta love those vegans. They are all democrats in contrast to the republicans who are very carnivorous.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
recession is coming
Friends, a recession is coming. Politicians are lying to you. They claim we are in a recovery. Things are getting worse. Hey, we could pull out we guess. Tell me if I am wrong. Well, we will know in a year.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Citizens, I hear a lot of negative voices. They turn rich against poor. Let me tell you, entrepreneurs create jobs for all of us. Fact is, they are not the enemy. Yet, our gov makes their life harder with mountains of rules and regs. Sadly, as a result we have few jobs and a poor economy.
Monday, September 26, 2011
intrusive gov
Government is becoming more intrusive every year. The always have a new law they want to pass. It further restricts our freedom some more. However, we must see what is coming. People need to vote out big gov. That always leads to more intrusive gov.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
euro zone rescue
A euro zone rescue plan is emerging. That is good news. Friends, we can certainly use an euro zone rescue. Like we need one. Yeah, right away even.
Faster than light is now. People need to understand that this discovery is major. FTL is coming. What an interesting year.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
rick santorum hates google

Rick Santorum hates Google because you get a graphic double meaning when you search on his name. Hey, you do not believe me. Google it as they say. Folks, I am not making this up. It is in there - really, it is. Democrats are laughing now. However, back in 2008 they were angry on confusion over obama or osama. Google was able to clear that one up. Funny, that is not the case now.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
double dip depression
People we see a double dip depression or recession. This is bad news for our gov. Economists may mock me. Folks, this is a major crisis. Get ready for what is coming. Hey yo, we need to prepare.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Day of rage
Day of rage is near. OK some say it is sparse. Hope that we have a triumph of reason. That said, many people are angry.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
What is near
Although many say things are improving. Well, we see the fall of rome. It only took a few years. Then came the fall of the empire. Yeah, right after a barbarian invasion. Perhaps are fate will not bee same. Still, it might be very similar for us. Time to get ready and to prepare.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
end of american empire
What are we seeing now. Basically, it is the end of an era. Here it is to be more precise. Like the the end of an american empire. That shall become more obvious soon. Get ready for what is coming.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Deadly crash
Sadly, we have some grim news. Deadly crash hit reno air races. Hope you are OK now. It was a terrible accident in reno. There were scores of injuries.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
rim you say

Fill it to the rim. By the way, here is what we say. RIM profit falls 57.8% my fine ones. Yeah, it is one one sign. Basically, that we are in a very poor economy. Telephones are not selling anymore. Let freedom ring. Oh, rim you say.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
sour news

Folks, our poor economy is even worse. That is some sour news. Maybe you all should not listen to me. Of course, those men in power say that everything is fine and we are crazy. Oh yes, but of course. It is like the recession we imagine. Hey, it is not real, there are plenty of jobs for us. Problem is we are all either lazy or crazy.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday is today
Monday, September 12, 2011
Bankrupt banks

Friday, September 9, 2011
run for the borders

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
eyes on our economy

Citizens, all eyes on our economy. Things are getting very scary. Hey yo, we never left our recession. This is going on. Job retraining is a good idea, but where are people gonna go. OK so stay sharp because things are going to get hairy real soon.
Monday, September 5, 2011
stinkin thinkin
Dismal jobs data is coming in. Folks, we are now in a state of worry. Please do not grieve us. Yo. there is no recovery. Things are getting very serious.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
new lows

OK so prez rating hit new lows now. Hope is fading away. Like we do need some change and soon. Perhaps next years. Yeah, after all I could use some new scenary.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
new epa rule

Friends, a new epa rule reduces texas power. Perhaps, this is done to hurt ric perry. Well, it certainly might seem that way. Most of the epa rules are nuisances. Also, they are very unnecessary. Expect the epa to destroy more jobs with more rules and regs.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Time is precious

Time is a precious resource. Fact is, we cannot purchase it with gold even. People claim that things are getting better, when we see that is not so. Citizens, we are running out of time now. Jobs are drying up. Stimulus created for us a new mirage. Water in the desert it did promise. However, there is none.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Decrease in wages

College students are seeing a decrease in wages. They are down a dollar since previous years. Folks, this is one sour sign. It means that there is now less money. Implications for our economy are very grim.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
rich vs poor

Most politicians are rich, and were never poor. They see the poor as losers and themselves as winners. Few of these understand the hard ships of those with little money. That said, ric perry was once poor. He understands the impact of five dollar a gallon gas. Actually, for the working class, item price is a major primary concern.
Monday, August 29, 2011
social magic
OK so why is you content not shared on social networks - here is nine reasons. Let me make a summary. Probably because it is boring to all except you. Try to create some magic. Yeah, social magic that is.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
irene is gone
The NYSE will open. Friends, irene is gone. That is a good thing I tell you. It was getting a bit scary. Well, thee is good news for insurance companies. The damage is less than forecast, but it will still cost billions and that is a lot of money. People better get use to what is going on.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hurricane irene is coming
Hurricane irene is coming. I have warn you peeps again and again. Fact is you will live long enough to see no food in the grocery. That day is not far away. When it comes...
Then you shall claim that it was obvious and the supermarkets without food are normal and common. Still, seers warn you. That you need to prepare. It shall be a time of troubles and period of peril like none ever. Debunkers will mock me. They will claim that the food truck is just around the corner. However, it never comes.
Then you shall claim that it was obvious and the supermarkets without food are normal and common. Still, seers warn you. That you need to prepare. It shall be a time of troubles and period of peril like none ever. Debunkers will mock me. They will claim that the food truck is just around the corner. However, it never comes.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Bernanke warning
Folks, I am FED up. Yeah, with the bearded one. It is not going to be QE8, but QE18 as marc faber told us. What is coming? OK so it is worse than hurricane irene. Today, the dollar weakens more.
Listen to Bernanke's warning. He is telling us that things may get worse. Well, there in no need to wait until may. They are getting worse now.
Listen to Bernanke's warning. He is telling us that things may get worse. Well, there in no need to wait until may. They are getting worse now.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
gaddafi wanted poster
People, there is a new sherrif in town mon. Hey, wanna make some money. Like how about two million big ones. OK so you need to get gaddafi now. Bro, I am not making this up. Rebels are paying two million for gaddafi dead or alive even. Sounds like a plan for sure.
Can't wait to spend that money. Look at an HDR caduceus coil. Mostly, it would look good on your resume. Then again, remember doc brown from back to the future had some trouble with Libyans if I remember the story about the time travelling de lorean car.
Can't wait to spend that money. Look at an HDR caduceus coil. Mostly, it would look good on your resume. Then again, remember doc brown from back to the future had some trouble with Libyans if I remember the story about the time travelling de lorean car.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
What is coming

People ask - what is coming. I believe that it is double dip depression and not a recession. Here is my reason. FED shot all its bullets and now is at zero. Stimulus program was a failure max major. It created few jobs if any. Sadly, few understand how perilous our situation is. They prefer to giggle and say that we are gonna be OK soon. Well, that is not the case. Double dip depression is just around the corner.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Food stamp nation
Food stamp nation is new. This is what happens when you have no jobs and most products are made over seas. Well, it is not my fault is what politicians say. Hey, they did pass all the trade regs. Sadly, here we are. Expect them to try to blame the tea party again. Folks we need to stop being consumers. Yeah, and start producing again. Yo, here is what is coming. Dollar is gonna crash soon.
Monday, August 22, 2011
end of an empire
Saturday, August 20, 2011
gaddafi gone soon
Right now, things are getting warm. It is Gaddafi's last stand as rebel forces inch close to tripoli and the final prize. Dictators need to leave right away. Instead, they desperately cling to power. What we see is gaddafi gone soon.
Here are some HDR movies. Well, we hope you can enjoy.
Here are some HDR movies. Well, we hope you can enjoy.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Obama approval on economy
26% and all time low my fine ones. Yeah, that is the Obama approval on economy. Perhaps, he should simply resign. This is like a vote of no confidence - zero.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
What nixon says
OK so what did nixon say anyway. I believe it was - I am not a CROOK. Well, we could be wrong. Plumbers, you say. History will be a harsh judge of this man. All of us can wonder how it will see the current occupant of power. That will indeed be an interesting page. Perhaps we will live long enough to see the effect of mandatory health care.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Gaddafi is losing his grasp
People are tired of kings and queens. Yo, Gaddafi gotta go. Well, now Gaddafi is losing his grasp. Libya is slipping away. He still hold tripoli in his iron grip. However, the people want him gone. This should be a lesson for all of us.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
prez rating down

Presidential approval rating fell below 40% for the first time ever. Let us face facts as people are not happy with what they are seeing. Gotta hand it to the prez. He did very little to get in this mess. Well, prez rating down is real sour news.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
romney on seniors
Mitt is no hit - not with seniors anyway. He got into a heated argument with an elderly man. What can we say on romney on seniors. There is a steep learning curve. Yeah, too steep says me. He need to speak to us.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Debt DOWngrade

The Debt DOWNgrade did cause our dow to go DOWn over 600 points even. OK so liberals are blaming the tea party, but that ain't so. Liberal are in favor of spending more money. The tea party is against spending more. It seems the liberals did cause the problem with all their social programs. Asking the bank to raise your credit card limit is no solution as far as me is concern. What we need to do is stop consuming. Yeah, and produce more.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Gold going up
Inflation is hitting hard in grocery price. People are getting crushed like eggs. Get ready for changes that are major. Future price of eggs are going up. Like this is game over. Today the down jones went down over 500 points now. Gold is over 1800 an ounce.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
riots in england
England is burning now. Police cannot stop the riots anymore. Crack down is coming. Unemployment is super high and rising. Failures are now angry.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Collapse is coming
Look at the DOWn jones. Today is fell over 600 points and this is just the beginning of woe. People listen to me. A major collapse is coming. Senators cannot get you out of this one.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Stocks plunge
People are starting to finally wake up. World markets are falling yet again. This is due to the debt downgrade and major economic concerns. Investors are starting to worry. China is slowing dowen now. There is trouble in Italy adding to eurozone worries. Expect as stocks plunge more politicians to come out will plans to stimulate our economy.
Friday, August 5, 2011
economy is poor
Folks, today we learn that USA lost our AAA credit rating - right now. Standard and poors yes that is a name. OK says the we are not AAA anymore. Well golly we knew that one.
Right now our economy is poor. This is like the understatement of the year. Expect is to get a lot poorer.
Right now our economy is poor. This is like the understatement of the year. Expect is to get a lot poorer.
stocks head lower

They were down 500 points yesterday and down 100 points today, so what can we say. Well, this does not look like any recovery I have ever seen. Fact is, there is no recovery. That was like a desert mirage. People are losing jobs and taking cuts in pay. Sadly, politicians are still claiming we are in a recovery. Hey, we do not see so. Like it is all smoke and mirrors. Basically, things are getting more and more worse.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
eyes on DC
All eyes are on DC now. Yeah, we did say ALL eyes. Dude this is epic. Perhaps, an epic FAIL, and certainly not an epic win. Folks, taxes will soon rise. I am not making this one up. Keep your eyes on DC. Who invited this dog to our table mon. Senate is ready to vote on debt ceiling bill this after noon. Ready set go.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Deal me in
Yo, the debt deal did pass. Hey, deal me in. I want to play this game. Ceiling goes up. Well, taxes will soon follow I tell you.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Dumping the dollar

China wants to dump the dollar now. It is scary. OK, that much we agree. Sadly, other nations are considering dumping the dollar due to risk of a default, but we have a worse problem coming. What is the name. Yo, it is inflation due to a huge quantitative easing. Folks, that amount of liquidity is massive.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
What do we want in congress. It is no BABIES. What we have now are wimps. They are always weeping and wimpering. Like saying, it is not our fault because we did not do anything wrong. Sadly, that is getting old with us. DO YOU JOB!!! Let us create a no BABY zone.
Friday, July 29, 2011
High noon
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Dollar Drops
Hey, do wake up. Today, the dollar drops again. If we do not make cuts now. Well, it truly can be the end of the empire. Please understand what is coming. It is called financial armageddon and it is now showing at a theater circus near you.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
3 ring circus

DC is a 3 ring circus - osama. Well, for once we agree.
Hey, it really is a circus. I am not sure on 3 rings. Perhaps, there are more. Certainly there are many clown in the town - too many.
perry 2012 run
OK mon get ready for a perry 2012 run. It is looking more likely as time goes on. He is powering up. People are getting behind him as the man that can beat our prez. Well, about that we all cannot be so sure.
Wonder about perrys views. Like what does ric perry think about the gay cave man. He was found in a third gender grave. Believed to be from 3900 BC even.
Wonder about perrys views. Like what does ric perry think about the gay cave man. He was found in a third gender grave. Believed to be from 3900 BC even.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
online overtakes retail
Online shopping is over taking retail stores now. This means less employment for low skill workers that make near minimum wage. Actually, many of the web programming position are out source to low wage venues. There workers makes far less than the minimum wage. Also, they get no benefits like vacations or health care.
Monday, July 25, 2011
This just in. It seems asian markets crash on debt impasse. Expect the same in europe. Sadly, following on the heels is america.
It is like we are being swallowed up. Like by something similar to a gigantic magnetic vortex that is all consuming.
It is like we are being swallowed up. Like by something similar to a gigantic magnetic vortex that is all consuming.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Debt collapse coming
People need to see what is going on. Debt collapse is coming. Moodys may reduce the credit rating of america. Situation is going to get a lot worse. Citizens, please do open your eyes.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
gas over $5 soon

People do keep your eyes open. I see gas price over $5 soon. Supply is now decreasing and demand is increasing. Future looks very grim. Please understand that Ben Bernanke still talks about deflation being a problem for our economy. Well Ben, in regards to deflation, I do not see any.
Friday, July 22, 2011
What is coming
People are wondering what is coming. I expect a pull back to happen soon. Folks, there is a lot of money we owe. Citizens, what we are seeing is scary. Mostly, problems will linger on.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Michele Bachmann has migraines
This just in now. It seems Michele Bachmann has migraines. Aha, talk about headaches that are very severe. Well, I also have em. Chocolate is a trigger of mine. Therefore I cannot eat it anymore. This is sad as I love chocolate ice cream. Still, that is how it is. Hmmm, I wonder if she suffers from teichopsia as most of us.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Debt compromise

There is a possible debt compromise. Well, this is good news. Hey, we can certainly use some. President says a possible debt compromise is in the works now. Oh so this is a deficit cutting program. Right now our debt stands at 14 trillion and could hit 15 trillion next year. Folks, things are not getting very serious.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
silver surges

Saturday, July 16, 2011
no money

What do you do when you got no money. Call the bank to get them to increase your credit card limit right - wrong. That is the wrong path my fine ones. OK some where down this path we lost our way. However, now for the first time, there appears to be a great sense of urgency. Yeah, we did say sense. Please do wake up. It is very late in the game. Other wise, it is going to be game over.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Budget crisis
There are many things in the store I want to buy, but have no money. Hey, never fear the Ben Bernanke is here with magical powers. He gives his magic wand a wave. Suddenly a mountain of money appears.
Will we balance the budget ever? Perhaps in a parallel universe. Yeah, one with no pollution or crime. That would be grand for us. Sadly, in the real world it is not likely any time soon. Politicians prefer to spend our money. They love raising taxes on us. BTW, when do I get a raise.
Will we balance the budget ever? Perhaps in a parallel universe. Yeah, one with no pollution or crime. That would be grand for us. Sadly, in the real world it is not likely any time soon. Politicians prefer to spend our money. They love raising taxes on us. BTW, when do I get a raise.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
S&P warning
There is now an S&P warning. I told people this was coming. US is out of money. Hey, they laughed at me. Also, they called me crazy. What are they doing now. Like are they finally waking up. Probably not as this will only happen when there is no food in the grocery.
Michelle Bachmann
They were calling her Palinette last year. Well, things are changing as Michelle Bachmann gain mo in iowa. She could beat romney. Yeah, and even win in nov. All that stands in her way is osama.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
american life is worse

Hey, every aspect of life in america is worse. Yeah, since osama took over. Did we get a letter wrong. I do not think so. There is very little difference anymore.
Oh wow, american life is worse. That is not major news. Most of us already know what is going on.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
job openings

People, job openings were flat in may. Well, we expect the same in june. It is going to be a slow summer. Leaders claim all is fine and we are crazy. OK so this is no so. Fact is, we are still in a recession. Please do wake up. Crushing poverty is coming. Reality is knocking on the door and politicians are complaining about the noise.
Monday, July 11, 2011
CA tax on amazon
California did a tax on amazon. This is because they need more money. Sadly, amazon decided to pull out now. Well, that means more woe.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
no recovery
Folks, we see no recovery. Last month few jobs were available for us. There are not being created now. Also, our economy is no growing. It is very grim news.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Foreign buyers
Foreign buyers are boosting home sales now. This is good news. Well, so I guess. Perhaps they want to invest their money in america. OK we can use more money.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
china coal surge
Folks, we have been sold down the river. All this talk of a carbon tax for us... What about the china coal surge. Hey, we are so sorry. They get to burn some. That said, we have to pay and pay again.
mitt romney
Citizens, we hope you had a happy 4th this year. MITT romney blames recession on our prez. He says he made it worse. OK wow, I am not making this up. Reading it is hard on my eyes. Friends, we wonder if the economy can improve. Like when we do we exit our recession.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
pipeline explodes
Pipeline explodes that sends gas. This is sabotage my fine ones. Hey, please do wake up. Things are getting far worse.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
bad news
Friends, there is grim news. Yeah, for our economy. Hey, let us WAKE up. Please remember, that this is like a max major warning. I do not see us being able to pay back the 14 trillion dollars any time soon.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Global reserve gone

Sunday, June 26, 2011
TSA versus 95 year old woman
TSA removes diaper from 95 year old woman. They claim she is a threat to national security - yes. Hey, I am not making this one up. Also, this story is from cnn not onn or onion.
pulp prices

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