Monday, February 28, 2011
reserve currency

Sunday, February 27, 2011
go for gold
Saturday, February 26, 2011
crude oil soars

Crude oil prices soar. Problems in Libya are causing rising prices. Forget about them going down any time soon. This is a major crisis. Hope that people start conserving energy. Well, like this is a good excuse to save money.
Friday, February 25, 2011
mybloglog shutting down

Yahoo mybloglog is shutting down now. This cannot come as a major surprise. After all, yahoo did talk about this last year. Still, it is yet one more sign. Yeah, a sign that yahoo is on the ropes. Hey, as for what is coming. Well, for mybloglog we are very sorry. John Titor did predict that both micro soft and yahoo were gone.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Oil shortage warning

This just in. Folks, we got an oil shortage warning. Hey, things are going to get very serious. What we are seeing now is just the beginning of what is coming. Please do prepare. Get ready for higher gas prices.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
nine years

House prices have hit a nine year low now. Folks, that is nine years. Democrats are still blaming bush for everything that still goes on. It is like a mantra that does not go away. The amount of responsibility they take is zero. When is this ship going to turn around anyway.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dictatorships are inherently quite fragile because they do not allow people to air one's grievances. This cause problems to fester and grow. Pyramidal power structure concentrate to much power in one person. Also, this makes it hard to rule and it all amounts to the same. How the situation will end up is anyone's guess.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Unemployment at 10%

This just in. Folks, unemployment is at 10% now. This is terrible news. Wonder how it got so high and why it is going up? This is because there is no recovery. Hey, we see fewer companies survive. Sadly, many that do are moving overseas.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
People are seeing trouble coming from unions. Hard choices are coming for all of us. This is not about workers rights, but about money. Yeah, as in the state does not have any. Take a look of wisconsin. The wisconsin protests show us what is going on.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Hillary Special
Friday, February 18, 2011
Lost your compass?

Politicians seem to have lost their moral compass. That is if they ever has any. Well this could be due to their magnetic personality as they say. However, I feel that they should check out HDR compass. It rolls around and around and does not know when to stop even. Like a top the compass spins.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Creation versus Evolution
Scientists believe in the false god of evolution even though evidence is zero. Creation versus evolution is not a fight because evolution has no arms. It is not like fighting a man. Rather, it is like fighting a cripple in a wheel chair paralyzed from neck up.
Basically, these haughty men of science are morons. Yeah, there are fools who think themselves wise. Hundreds of years ago people believed that rats came from a bag of old rags. Well, people now know that spontaneous generation is absurd in the maximum.
Evolution is a return to spontaneous generation and life comes from non-life, but this is not so. Scientists do believe in evolution because the need an excuse. Yeah, an excuse to continue in a life filled with sin.
Basically, these haughty men of science are morons. Yeah, there are fools who think themselves wise. Hundreds of years ago people believed that rats came from a bag of old rags. Well, people now know that spontaneous generation is absurd in the maximum.
Evolution is a return to spontaneous generation and life comes from non-life, but this is not so. Scientists do believe in evolution because the need an excuse. Yeah, an excuse to continue in a life filled with sin.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
corn price up

Folks, there is much inflation when you go to the grocery. In fact, corn prices are up. They went from $3 a bushel this summer to $7 now. Yeah, it is a big jump. Wish prices were still like in the summer. Still, there are those who say all is fine and inflation is negative or zero. This is no so. When a farmer must pay more. Like in terms of chicken feed which is mostly corn. Well, then for his product he must charge more. Future price of eggs is up. Expect soaring prices. Actually, that is my forecast for this year.
Monday, February 14, 2011
oil going up
OK so my forecast is more pump pain. Get ready for oil going up. This will affect the gas price. Gold will rise. People tend to buy gold when they panic. Expect a big oil crisis coming. This is often name the long emergency. Well, I have a better name. Yeah, namely, the end of our empire.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
major defaults coming
Folks, major municipalities are new default now. Hey guys, major defaults are coming. Cities have no money. This is a major issue. Financial situation is getting worse. However, politicians like to ignore.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Ground hog day
How long was Bill Murray stuck in Ground Hog Day movie? Here is the answer. It is 34 years. Hey wow, that is a long time as we say. That said, it took him a while to get out of his time loop, but finally he did escape.
Final Chapter

Citizens, this is the final chapter for borders bookstore now. They could not compete with amazon. Here is a question for you. I mean, how does a book author sign a digital download anyway. They are a BIT hard to sign. Perhaps a felt pen. Yeah, on a kindle from amazon. Still, I like to have an autographed copy. Sadly, libraries are going away. Hey, what can we even say.
Friday, February 11, 2011
record low -31
Record low temperature -31 in Nowata, Oklahoma now. Brrr this is cold for me. What about global warming. Call up all gore. This feels like a new ice age.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
IE9 goes live now. Personally, I do not care. It is a sloth for me. That said, it is a memory pig. Try to use it on machines with a lot of power.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
new era
Politicians claim all is well, but that is not so. It is like listening to a dealer of use cars. He claims there is no problem with the engine. Hey, we do wish that were so.
LIE-yers telling us the truth - that would be a new era. Candidates that tell it like it is. Hmmm, no in this age.
This is like an HDR new moon. Yeah, the dawn of a new day even.
LIE-yers telling us the truth - that would be a new era. Candidates that tell it like it is. Hmmm, no in this age.
This is like an HDR new moon. Yeah, the dawn of a new day even.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
High speed rail
High speed rail is coming. Biden says so. Hey, this is a train in vain. Friends, we have no money. Maybe china will loan us some more.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
England cuts police
The whistle of the bobby shall become less common. There are going to be 10,000 less police. Folks, this is because there is no money. Sad, but true it is. Well, the same can happen to us.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
europe a safe haven
Folks, europe is a safe haven in a crisis. People need to understand what is going on. Social unrest is now max common. It affect ordinary people more and more. Still, we are a major upset seeing. Notice that most of the refuges are choosing europe. They are no longer coming to america.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Asteroid stop with nuke
Could america stop an asteroid with a nuke so it would not hit us? Well, I am not so sure. It does make for a very excellent movie. However, laws of physics are against us. This is a poor case. First off, think of the momentum of the asteroid and how it would break up into pieces.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
digital only newspaper
This is a paper without the paper. Let us hear it for some new . It reminds me of a digital "tape" recorder I used to have once. Funny how life goes.
In other news. Egypt restores internet service. This is plus max. Glad the service is back on. How they also let twitter open up.
In other news. Egypt restores internet service. This is plus max. Glad the service is back on. How they also let twitter open up.
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