PETA says chicken is too sexy. The flavor is just too savory. Also, there is the skin which is so crispy. It should be banned even. Gotta love those vegans. They are all democrats in contrast to the republicans who are very carnivorous.
Friends, a recession is coming. Politicians are lying to you. They claim we are in a recovery. Things are getting worse. Hey, we could pull out we guess. Tell me if I am wrong. Well, we will know in a year.
Citizens, I hear a lot of negative voices. They turn rich against poor. Let me tell you, entrepreneurs create jobs for all of us. Fact is, they are not the enemy. Yet, our gov makes their life harder with mountains of rules and regs. Sadly, as a result we have few jobs and a poor economy.
Government is becoming more intrusive every year. The always have a new law they want to pass. It further restricts our freedom some more. However, we must see what is coming. People need to vote out big gov. That always leads to more intrusive gov.
Rick Santorum hates Google because you get a graphic double meaning when you search on his name. Hey, you do not believe me. Google it as they say. Folks, I am not making this up. It is in there - really, it is. Democrats are laughing now. However, back in 2008 they were angry on confusion over obama or osama. Google was able to clear that one up. Funny, that is not the case now.
People we see a double dip depression or recession. This is bad news for our gov. Economists may mock me. Folks, this is a major crisis. Get ready for what is coming. Hey yo, we need to prepare.
Although many say things are improving. Well, we see the fall of rome. It only took a few years. Then came the fall of the empire. Yeah, right after a barbarian invasion. Perhaps are fate will not bee same. Still, it might be very similar for us. Time to get ready and to prepare.
What are we seeing now. Basically, it is the end of an era. Here it is to be more precise. Like the the end of an american empire. That shall become more obvious soon. Get ready for what is coming.
Sadly, we have some grim news. Deadly crash hit reno air races. Hope you are OK now. It was a terrible accident in reno. There were scores of injuries.
Fill it to the rim. By the way, here is what we say. RIM profit falls 57.8% my fine ones. Yeah, it is one one sign. Basically, that we are in a very poor economy. Telephones are not selling anymore. Let freedom ring. Oh, rim you say.
Folks, our poor economy is even worse. That is some sour news. Maybe you all should not listen to me. Of course, those men in power say that everything is fine and we are crazy. Oh yes, but of course. It is like the recession we imagine. Hey, it is not real, there are plenty of jobs for us. Problem is we are all either lazy or crazy.
Tuesday is today mon. “I will gladly pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger jobs program today!” - osama. Well, we have some osamanomics. Hey, Tuesday is today, it is time to pay up.
Bankruptcy you say. Bank of america is keeping all options open. It might soon cut 40,000 worker to trim expenses. That is not a good sign. It means there is no recovery. Actually, there never was. What we face is a depression not a recession. OK, I said it now. Hope we can survive. Yeah, what is coming.
Borders has a 90% off sales now. All sales are final as you can imagine. Here is your chance to get that novel at a deep discount mon. It truly is the end of an era. What can we say on borders execs. Perhaps investors should sue. OK as for me, I would throw the book at em.
Citizens, all eyes on our economy. Things are getting very scary. Hey yo, we never left our recession. This is going on. Job retraining is a good idea, but where are people gonna go. OK so stay sharp because things are going to get hairy real soon.
Dismal jobs data is coming in. Folks, we are now in a state of worry. Please do not grieve us. Yo. there is no recovery. Things are getting very serious.
OK so prez rating hit new lows now. Hope is fading away. Like we do need some change and soon. Perhaps next years. Yeah, after all I could use some new scenary.
Friends, a new epa rule reduces texas power. Perhaps, this is done to hurt ric perry. Well, it certainly might seem that way. Most of the epa rules are nuisances. Also, they are very unnecessary. Expect the epa to destroy more jobs with more rules and regs.
Time is a precious resource. Fact is, we cannot purchase it with gold even. People claim that things are getting better, when we see that is not so. Citizens, we are running out of time now. Jobs are drying up. Stimulus created for us a new mirage. Water in the desert it did promise. However, there is none.
College students are seeing a decrease in wages. They are down a dollar since previous years. Folks, this is one sour sign. It means that there is now less money. Implications for our economy are very grim.