Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Where we going?

Monday, May 28, 2012
JP moron
There should be called JP moron. That is a more appropriate name. HEY, the big bank known as JP morgan is in a whale of woe. They are selling off assets and trying to get some money. Sadly, this is how it is at JP moron. Oh yes, it is JP morgan we mean.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
game over
For 38 studios it is game over. Days are very grim. Well, people are starting to smell the roses. This was a high tech company. Like they were selling many games. Problem is people are buying only was is necessary.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
world markets tumble
Click on the news. What do we see. Basically, world markets tumble on greece. Friends, our europe is a pain. Well, it is getting worse. Greeks do not wanna pay. That is what they say. Politicians claim that all is fine and prosperity is just near our corner. Oh, but they are so wrong. Mostly, things are taking a turn for the worse.
Source: flickr.com via Shelley on Pinterest
romney on russia
Here is romney on russia. Cold war is warming up. Politics is a zero sum game. OK so there is a loser for every winner. Please do look at russia. Both USA and russia have a lot of natural resource. However, both are fading empires. Right now china is rising.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Mistakes are comma
Mistakes are comma. Yeah, we did not say common. Well, in draft copies anyway. Still, why is this so. I believe that there are many reasons. Mostly that people did sleep in english class and therefore do not so poor.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
micro soft opens up
OK so here is what we have right now. Basically, micro soft opens up. It has a new web page. SO CL is the name. Here we now go yo.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
foreign uranium
USA depends on foreign uranium. Industry does not take place in a vacuum. Look at the Fukushima crisis. People want to move away. They fear using nuclear power. OK so that means less demand for uranium.
Friday, May 11, 2012
money is missing
Look at many companies. Folks, the money is missing. Much is actually now over seas. This is a very poor sign. Basically, it shows some thing on execs. Yeah, um they do not believe we are in a recovery. In fact, they think that our situation will get max worse.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
sand dunes on mars
Believe me, there are sand dunes on mars. Those are super size. Martians would find earth deserts quite familiar in many ways. Still, it is rather dry the red planet shall we say. Dead planet is a better name.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
super man is gay
Dude, super man is gay. Most of you know of Clarke Bent that reporter with the mild manners. He has his eye on jimmy. Ah yes, jimmy old son. Believe that one was a camera man. Always taking pictures of the super zero. True, he has powers. Like we have seen him leap tall buildings in a single bounds, but he is still a mortal man. This super man was an enigma. Secrets are coming out now - we guess.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
What we see
I think we have a great tribulation timeline. It is what is coming. What we see. Expect more war. Like that is a no brain that one.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Argentina oil seizure
Agentina oil seizure. It can hurt us. This is a sad day for all companies. Like they see assents taken away.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
what is coming
Hey, ever wonder what is coming. There are many possibilities for us.
I believe there will be a false rapture, soon. Why is this so. OK so to deceive you. That is the reason. Sadly, there are more. People, are not going to see it coming.
Friday, May 4, 2012
no more war
People, I want no more war. Still, this world loves conflict and strife instead of peace. There exist a terrible power. It is that of atomic energy. However, we know that our end is very near.
Source: preaprez.files.wordpress.com via Leonardo on Pinterest
Thursday, May 3, 2012
amazon soon gone
Citizens, we see amazon soon gone. Well, from target anyway. Best Buy may follow very soon. Show rooming is the main issue. Target is kicking out amazon. They have been through enough and want to make more money. Sadly, this means less choices for consumers.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
megacities on rise
Folks, we see megacities on rise. There are 37 so far. Well, soon many more. Take a look at what is coming. People expect more megacities in some year. That will strain our limited resource. Hope for the best, but for the worst we prepare.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
no economic recovery
Debunked is the economic recovery. This patient needs intensive care. Right now the prognosis is poor. Like he is sicker than a dog even. Still, we could get an anemic recovery. Except that our gov wanna raise TAXES some more. Well, this is terrible news. Get ready for more years in pain. Yeah, more stores will close as jobs go away.
Folks, there is no economic recovery.
Folks, there is no economic recovery.
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