Saturday, June 30, 2012
100% chance
100% chance of global recession. Well, that is what marc faber says. It may get ugly for us. People are seeing little jobs growth now. Also, look at all the new regs on companies. Like many are moving overseas.
Friday, June 29, 2012
egg prices
Yesterday I went into a store and bought a dozen eggs. It was $6.99 more than 50 cents each egg. Folks, we are looking at more than just egg prices. Those are going up. Sadly, people do not see. Hyperinflation is just around our corner.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
1/3 of americans believe in flying saucers. That information comes from a UFO survey. Hope they do not vote in nov. Hey, in other news. Easter bunny could soon be our prez.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
no more TIME
Time is def running out for us. Scarlet Beast is rearing its ugly head again. Folks, there is no more TIME. Sadly, for us it is high noon. World situation is turning worse. People can scarce recognize us. Like what is going on...
Source: Uploaded by user via Matthew on Pinterest
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
thin demand for US notes
Citizens, this does worry me... Right now, there is thin demand for US notes. Oh yes, US treasuries are in pain. Like this mean interest rates going up. Perhaps Ben Bernanke wants more quantitative easing. Well, inflation is just around our corner. Also, we will not prosper.
Monday, June 25, 2012
cyprus rescue
Wake up! Here comes cyprus rescue. This is due to their exposure in greece. Folks, things keep on getting max worse. Like it is not just europe. Sadly, the whole world is in woe.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
apple price fixing
OK apple is accuse of fixing price. This is on e-books by penguin. Time will tell who did some wrong. Yeah, so it is. What we do know is that e-books are very expensive. In fact, sometimes they cost more than a paper version.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Easter Island mystery
Easter Island is known for giant stone heads that are very iconic. Religious men from europe burned the wooden tablets of the rapa nui. Sadly, their written language is lost to us
Friday, June 22, 2012
save your pennies
Friends, what can we say on you. Like save your pennies. A very hard rain is coming. Best to water proof your roof while you still can. It is coming on.
Source: via Des on Pinterest
Thursday, June 21, 2012
wrong man won - sorry
People vote, but they ignore. Gotta love this old guard egyptian army. Like they have got a new message. It is: wrong man won - sorry.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
low power server
Intel atom is in use. It is for lower power servers. These are suppose to be super green. Well, that is what is coming.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Solstice in summer
Solstice in summer is just around our corner. Hey, it is on the 22 of june. Do you want to celebrate it. Well, we are no so sure. Like it is going to be one warm summer. Also, it is dry as a bone for us. Yeah, we could use some rain. God help us. Food prices are going up.
Source: Uploaded by user via Alyssa on Pinterest
Monday, June 18, 2012
pension gap
States suffer from a pension gap. Politicians claim that all is fine, but that is not so. In fact, we are seeing less funding for our pensions. That is because state have short falls in revenue. Solution is to raise taxes on us again.
spain in danger zone
Right now, we see spain in danger zone. It is getting so scary. People thought the problems was just greece. Well, now we see pain in spain. Did I mention european unemployment is up. It is over 26% in spain now. Those are great depression numbers my fine ones. It is looking like a never ending night mare.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
tweet this one
Citizens, tweet this one. It seems that companies inflate twitter followers to seem more pop. Well, that should not surprise any one. Like the lie to us. Hey, what do you expect from a liar any way. Perhaps we should realize who we are dealing with and then things will make sense again. Maybe these are typical companies. Add to this lie all the other ones.
Source: via Alexander on Pinterest
Saturday, June 16, 2012
nice views
Friday, June 15, 2012
Houses are crazy
Houses are crazy. These ones any way. Still, they do have some uses. Like it is fun to sleep in your own space. Have your own place far away. Yeah, from all the noise.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Flag Day

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
What we see
What we see. System is going thru a major revision. Rest of the world does not like our currency. Figures do not lie to you. Wake up. Please smell the coffee in the new morning.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Great recession
Great recession changed us. Here are our top three worries. Plan on things going worse. Hey, it is not going to get better any time soon. What can we say.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Celebs badly aging
Here is a list for you. Celebs badly aging. Lohan is one. Politician seem to age. Especially when in the office of prez. There is a lot of pressure. Also, they often can perform poor.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
dying languages
Hey, dying languages are going away. Question is - can we save em. There is no easy answer. Politicians prefer to spend our money. Yeah, on pork barrel programs. Most of these are larded with waste of our currency. Expect more of the same. There will be a hard rain. People do not see what is coming.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
gen x
Things are looking up. However, not for gen x. Like they will work longer and get less pension. Also, they are going to see interest rates go up. Sadly, also grocery prices. Things really are looking up.
Source: via Little on Pinterest
Friday, June 8, 2012
grocery prices
Have you seen grocery prices. They keep on going up. Like inflation is now soaring. People claim that we need to create more jobs, but food is rising. Friends the prices are so scary. Halloween came early this year.
Source: via Phoebe on Pinterest
Thursday, June 7, 2012
e-book taking off
Black and white e-readers are not as pop anymore. In fact, people want the amazon kindle fire that is in color and hotter than a fire pit even. Also, the nook is not max pop. B&N is now cringing. They did a few buses miss. Well, that is what we say.
Source: via Randy on Pinterest
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
economic erosion
Workers makes less money than years ago. Also, they must spend more. Look at grocery prices. Result is economic erosion. Hope that people see what trouble we are in.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Bosses say
Bosses say to me, "Don't patronize me", but what does it mean. They do not explain their instructions and we try to guess. Sadly, I often guess wrong.
Monday, June 4, 2012
amazon is gaining
Right now amazon is gaining. Look at the amazon kindle fire sales now. Those are going up. People can get a device that works awesome. Also, it is inexpensive. With apple, that is not the case. Most of there devices are over price.
Source: via Corinthia on Pinterest
Sunday, June 3, 2012
where are jobs
OK so where are jobs? Yeah, like we can use some. In fact, we do not see any. Few make it into the paper. Craigslist is full of spam. Also, people are not interested in improving. Most simply want to make a little money. Let us face facts are most high paying high tech jobs are going over seas anyway.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Remembering the Titanic is sad for us. Hope to see where we are going. Oh, all the sad memories. It reminds me of why politicians are not friends of mine. Captain felt that everything was fine and people did not need to worry. He did not think about the dangers of sailing into a pack of ice. Sadly, that is why he created the major problem over 100 years ago.
Friday, June 1, 2012
B&N going away
Folks, we see our B&N going away. They will join BORDERS soon. Oh, can you remember that one. They look like a toy store before they went away. It is sad in a way. However, what can we now say. Told you so. Call me captain very obvious and then some more.
Source: via Courtney on Pinterest
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