Sunday, September 30, 2012
mobile is the way
Mobile web pages are now wow. Yeah, they are taking over. Folks, we gotta adapt to the new. Truly as we say - mobile is the way.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
america says no
Friends, america says no. Yeah, to more TAX on carbon emissions. That is a good thing we tell you. Oh wow, we do not need more TAX on us. Already, we pay. Sadly, our gov likes to hit us.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Farewell fine friends
Farewell fine friends, it was good to know you. Obama Abandons Israel. This means Arabs will attack soon. They have a green light and no red lines as we can see. How can an election be more important than this one. Yeah, for our enemies all lights are green. It truly is an important issue. Citizens, our future is danger right now. Perhaps a perilous period is ahead for us. Weakness attracts our enemies.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
WHALE mart
A whale of a sale we tell you. WHALE mart is growing. They are already enormous in size. Perhaps we can figure out a way to make em pay. Yeah, that minimum wage. Like they make workers work off the clock and do not even pay em. It is very serious. Hitlery was once on the board of this enormous company. Funny, she never did complain even once.
Source: Uploaded by user via Kylie Lyn on Pinterest
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
sinking economy
I think we got a sinking economy. Like it reminds me of the Titanic even. Where are the life boats any way. Time to get in one. Careful with what we say. Ah, you see... Mostly our captain does not believe in ice. Full steam ahead he says.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
iSlaves make iPhones
iSlaves make iPhones are super poor wages. What we need to stop bring stuff from china and make it here in america. That is our answer. Politicians are now on the take and do not care.
Monday, September 24, 2012
labor in pain
Foxconn is one of many. People see labor in pain. Workers do suffer now.Look at these ladies in the great depression and I tell you that the more things change the more they remain as same.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
The Whole Truth
Love this little gem. The Whole Truth is the name. Politicians should get jobs are used car sales men. After all they have been selling us lemons for many year. Harvey Hunnicut is a pro. Yeah, or perhaps a con.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
ice soon gone
Friends, our arctic could soon be free of ice. This would allow shipping in polar seas. Take about a boom for russia. How now, that is green. Expect ice soon gone. Yeah, as in saving energy. OK in other news. Steven Gibbs has arachnophobia now. Like most of us fear the creepy one. Still Halloween is a ways away. Best to not invite Steven Gibbs to my house as spiders are busy building webs all over.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Wealth destruction

Thursday, September 20, 2012
by passing congress
Dictator yes, by passing congress. Look at his actions now. What is the voice. Is sounds so silver, but words are a sugary poison.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
less income now
People make less income now. There is a 28% decline in men income. Oh, that cannot be a good sign. How are people suppose to prosper. Like more people go to college now. Still, there are lower wages. Well, I blame our execs. Mostly, they make more money. However, they send out jobs over seas. Certainly it is to increase their income. Result is lower wages in america. Blame all this free trade on destroying our unions. Workers become ever poorer.
Source: via Joshua on Pinterest
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Dark age macro economics
Dark age macro economics. What is it. Paul Krugman says we are in it now. By spending more we could get out of the hole we are in. Ah yes, he did say more money. Well, that means higher taxes for us. Liberals believe that money come from thin air.
Source: via Jennie on Pinterest
Monday, September 17, 2012
Like seeing an aurora. Northern lights are awesome. This is just so amazing. What a great sight it is now. Perhaps we can see the lights above the polar ice cap.
Source: via Trey on Pinterest
Sunday, September 16, 2012
poor warren
It is in our news. Basically, Buffet cancer is over. Oh poor warren. He will soon not be with us. Why did I say poor. After all, he is one of the world's richest men. Sadly, we cannot buy health with money.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Rahmbo in ruins
What do we see Rahmbo in ruins. He is gonna sue a union. Well, that were the people who voted for him a few years ago. I think his career is over. Don't think unions will vote for Rahmbo any TIME soon.
Source: via MixCM on Pinterest
Friday, September 14, 2012
Film noir
A slow feeling of unending despair pervades this universe we are in. It feels almost like a film noir movie. Perhaps horror core is the proper genre. Yeah, it is far too dark to be film noir. Darkness seem to seep into our very core.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
abundance age
Will we have an abundance age. Scientists say so. Hey, what I see is people becoming poorer. Machines have more power. Still, we must work longer hours to make the same. It is not a nice one.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
three ring circus
Politics is a three ring circus. Sadly, the clowns are running us. Lions do not fear the ring master any more. Mainly these bozos should all get in their own super size CLOWN car. Yeah, and leave us.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
small business owners
Right now small business owners are losing confidence in our economy. It is so anemic. Like is need some pep or iron. Perhaps, we need an infusion of new blood to revive our corpse. Feel really sad for small business owners. Republican can use a hug right around now.
Source: via Angie on Pinterest
Monday, September 10, 2012
max worse
Things will get max worse. Sadly, this will be for the average american. OK so say Peter Schiff an expert on our economy. Let us not mince words - yes mince. There is no recovery. Actually, there never was one. It is all a lot of smoke and mirrors.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
QR codes
QR codes rapid rise. This trend is emerging. Hope that people can see. Yeah, which way we are going.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
polar ice melting away
Citizens, this is so serious. Polar ice is melting away. Perhaps, it is due to global warming. Arctic ice could be gone in 30 years. Like wow, this is so major. Atmospheric circulation patterns could change soon. Hope that polar ice is not gone. That would lead to coastal flooding of low lying areas.
Source: via Tahnee on Pinterest
Friday, September 7, 2012
amazon gains
This just in. Here is the latest news. Right now amazon gains. Like what is our reason. Well, here is my guess. Basically, amazon is coming out with a new kindle this year. It is gonna be super. Yeah, as in PLUS max. The old kindle is old school yo.
Source: via Dorothy on Pinterest
Thursday, September 6, 2012
new tablets
Buyers, here is the reason. Yeah, why tablets are so inexpensive. Like we gotta love amazon. There want to make money selling their services. Tablets are simply the vehicle to bring them to us. Oh wow, this is an idea on which wee can agree.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
McD opens vegan venue
McD opens vegan venue. Meat less restaurants are gonna open. India is the place for this one yo. Faiths tend to not like people destroying animal companions. Higher food prices will swing vegan. Potion of food income is increasing. Blame our higher meat prices.
Monday, September 3, 2012
20 best small towns
Here is a positive pace. Look at the 20 best small towns in america. I do not like the big city anymore. Well, it has a lot of energy. That said, there is pollution and crime. Also, the city is full of noise. Yeah, give me a silence of the countryside so I can be in peace.
Source: Uploaded by user via Cristina on Pinterest
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Friends, school is back in session. That is good news. Parents were going so crazy. Still, there are teacher cut backs now. What do we see? It is an increase in class room size. Mostly, that does not bode well for us.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
more pain in spain
Friends, we see more pain in spain. There is a tax hike for consumers. Well, this does scare me. People now have less money. Actually, they need to have some more.
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