Thursday, November 29, 2012

chic car

OK so japan creates a car for women. Let us hear it for japan. Talk about a chic car. It is pink even. Hey, I am not making this up.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

pessimism increases

Hey, as time goes on - pessimism increases. People do not look forward to the future, as the reality of life i very grim. Most see passing away as an escape. Exuberance of the 50's is gone. Few dream of a future with colonies on mars. Like we do not see any flying cars.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Middle east crisis

Look at what is going on. Middle east crisis worsens. Trouble looms on us... Get ready for what is coming. It is going to be a big one.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Workers are striking

Workers are striking now. This is because business is greedy and wants more money. Look at every company. People notice that profits are up. However, not workers wages.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Bull run

Bull run is over. Mortgage deduction is going away. Uncle sam wanna get your money. Expect you to get some price increases. Renters will like to not have to pay.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

NYT is wrong

NYT is wrong. Strong pass words cannot save us. After all, breaking some is easy. People need to observe what is going on. Look at the increase in processor power. Yeah, this goes up every year.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

no panic

Well, in live it is best for our fears to conquer. Like no panic. Get rid of fear and grow. Perhaps that is what this picture is telling us. Fear does not help me. Best to show some courage.

Source: via Kat on Pinterest

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

fall colors

Hey, fall colors are here so we can enjoy. There are not going to last long my fine ones. Bless be all of you with an autumn crisp air. Winter is very near. Get ready for some snow.

Monday, November 12, 2012

cut out for IT

Not cut out for information technology? Here are nine signs. Well, number one. For example, you like making more than 50 cents an hour. Two, do not have an accent like apu. Three, your goal is not to upgrade to a 7-11 making the minimum wage. I can go on. Hey, we are sorry. Like no kidding Sherlock, we guess we are not cut out for IT. My 1987 Laptop Computer !

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Strange world

Strange world we live in. There are some many eerie occurrences. For example, Steven Gibbs says that a cat can help you find a vortex. Like there is so much we do not understand about our universe.

Friday, November 9, 2012

sky fall

Hey, sky fall is on. This is a great movie. Folks, it is awesome. Bond is back and better than ever we say.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

solar charges

Yo, solar chargers are max pop. I want to get one. However, they are very expensive. Wish they did lower some prices.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

old versus new

Do not cling to the old, but go with our new. Often we will contrast old versus new. This is what we must do, or the future will crush us.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Here is a new problem for you. It is rats and mice. RATS? Oh yes, rats are climbing up from flooded sewers. Few people wish to share their happy homes with mouse companions. Rats often have disease germs. Like this is scary.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

billion tons of ice

Scientists find one hundred billion tons of ice on mercury. Friends, that is a lot of ice. Hard to imagine. Like it is the planet closest to our sun.