Sunday, March 31, 2013
50's what the height of our power. Industry was turning and people were making good wages. There is a lot of americana. Sadly, we see no progress. Basically, our magic is gone. Disturbing to see that we are still in a massive recession. Frankly, there is no recovery.

Saturday, March 30, 2013
pie man
Friday, March 29, 2013
CCD or colony collapse disorder is raging. Bee keeper have lost approx one half of all hives last year. Things are getting max worse. Debunkers claim that everything is fine and we are crazy. Well, that is not what we are seeing. Look at the increase in grocery prices.
Source: arboristsite.com via Michelle on Pinterest
Thursday, March 28, 2013
american economy
Things are seeming very grim. Look at our american economy. It is not adding many jobs now. Basically, this is due to an on going recession. Yeah, it keeps on waxing worse.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
worst cyber attack

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Black Berry
Black Berry in woe. Sales are very poor. Things are looking dim or grim. Apple is getting turned into apple sauce. Well, android is talking over. Yeah, that is what we see.
Source: thereviewwire.com via The Review Wire on Pinterest
Monday, March 25, 2013
Smash Crash 2013
Crash 2013 is coming. Rip off is soon. End of the line is very near. Be a realist on this one. Yeah, this is a crash of cash money. Smells to me like an angry war. Oh yes, it will come against us. Numbers do not lie my friends, or shall we say our enemies.
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013
no heart
Down size execs say. FDA wants to regulate defibrillator companies. Sadly, many devices do not work any more. Software is buggy and they do not boot up. People dying of heart attacks are many. What can we say on these companies. Like they got no heart we say.
Source: behance.net via Paulo on Pinterest
Friday, March 22, 2013
Heckler curses prez
Heckler curses prez. This was in Israel mon. Yeah, he says he feels at home when people are cursing. Well, they do not like his name. Please report the news. Instead we get the latest rumors. Also, some hot juicy gossip. Like they do not let the truth get in the way. Sadly, this is what we now see.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
retirement savings
Workers have little retirement savings. Yeah, there is no money. Blame the new age of micro wages. That is what we get with all the DOWN sizing and OUT sourcing. People, we are all down and out now.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
a new game
Fellows, this is scary. Politics is a new game. Yeah, one that is insane. Wonder how we painted ourselves into a corner. Also, how to get out again. Maybe there is no way.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
purple earth

Monday, March 18, 2013
3D printers
3D printers are gaining. Here are 3D printer companies. Most are small in size. However, we predict that things will change as they grow. Expect major disruptions to occur. Future is wow.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
I still when MTV was all about music. That was many years ago. Hey, music is not important any more. Wonder why that is. Like here is the latest move. It is insane movie. Hope that you can enjoy.
Source: google.com via Mike on Pinterest
Saturday, March 16, 2013
NK is scary
North Korea stands by nuclear program. They are not backing down any. In fact, more threat are on going. Yet, america does zero. Like we will not stand up. Sanctions do not work we tell you. Sadly, what we sow we reap. NK is scary.
Friday, March 15, 2013
UFO was seen
UFO was seen. Air Force is not trying to dismiss what people are seeing. Happy hour is being blamed, but we will know probably never. Like what a great cosmos.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
photo shop you say
Hey, this one is not photo shop we tell you. It is quite real, but hard to imagine. People love to see the jets come in. Certainly the beach is noisy. Still, we often wonder how this can be so. Oh yes, photo shop you say.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
amazon pulls scam city
Right now, amazon pulls scam city due to poor reviews. It got a lot of one stars - yes one. Well, that is because it cannot get zero. Hey, we are not making this one up. Things for EA are mega grim. Like what did happen to maxis any way.
Source: sfcrowsnest.org.uk via Stephen on Pinterest
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
new pope
Cardinals will select a new pope soon. Wonder who the unlucky man is. Literally he will feel a big weight on his shoulders, but there you go. Things will get better we hope, yes in deed, for the new pope.
Source: worldnews.nbcnews.com via Our Sunday Visitor Catholic on Pinterest
Monday, March 11, 2013
Gold is gaining
Gold is gaining. Right now it is going up. This might be good news. Like we are not so sure. Perhaps gold need to rest a bit before the upward momentum resume. Hey, time will tell as we say.
Source: bullionstore.co.uk via Bullion on Pinterest
Sunday, March 10, 2013
oscar pisteroids
He is out on bail now. Oh yes, money talks.
What am I on? I am on my BIKE! - lance arm strong.
Ah, poor reeva, the victim of roid rage. Yeah, due to oscar pisteroids.
What am I on? I am on my BIKE! - lance arm strong.
Ah, poor reeva, the victim of roid rage. Yeah, due to oscar pisteroids.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
resale of ebooks
Both apple and amazon will allow resale of ebooks now. This is good news. People could always sell those physical books made of paper. Well, now they can sell digital copies. It is an interesting world we are in.
What is capricorn one. It is a movie. Yeah, about astronauts going to mars. Hey, some thing is wrong. Certainly, many can feel it - can you. Trouble is that people will not wake up. Please do open your eyes.
Friday, March 8, 2013
careers are zero

Thursday, March 7, 2013
green hills
I love the green hills of earth, but what does it mean. Perhaps we should go rowing. Yeah, an adventure waits for us. Truly that are beautiful as far as the eye can see.
Source: Uploaded by user via Emma on Pinterest
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
no moon
What if there were no moon. Scientist say there would be no us. OK some say that howling 300 mph winds would blow us away. Tides would not form in our ocean. Yet, midnight would be more dark than it is now. Also, there would be no full moon. It sure is pretty at night to see. World would not have as much joy. Sad place with no moon.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Argentina may default on its debt and that is a lesson for us. Basically, you gotta have some money. Other wise you cannot pay. Sadly, there is a global economic crisis. If affects all areas. Like no one is immune.
Monday, March 4, 2013
DC worries me
DC worries me. It is an interesting surprise. Problems at the capital are super max. First off, we got no money. Government needs more revenue. That means more TAX on you. Well, the time to prepare is now.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Hey sir, can I please have some more. That is how we feel now. Frankly, me blog traffic sux. Why is this so. Got no answer. Perhaps we need some cool pix.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
gas prices

Friday, March 1, 2013
Higher taxes

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