Source: via Jim on Pinterest
Monday, April 29, 2013
wolf dog
Having a wolf dog may seem cute, but there are consequences. These dogs can bite you. Like they are a bit wild in a sense. Best to be careful when you are around one.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
syria uses nerve gas
This just in. Basically, syria uses nerve gas. Perhaps, we need to understand that consequences. Chemical weapon sarin was in use. Yeah, this is so scary. Like wow, what kind of world are we in.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
alien looking fetus
OK so alien looking fetus is a humanoid or so says science. Look at documentary sirius. Well, we are not so sure. Strange little man we say.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
silver and gold
Both silver and gold will go up. That is the expected trend, but do not believe me. Look at the chart for the last several year. Expect inflation to be massive. Oh yes, we keep on printing more green.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
raise by monkeys woman
Look at raise by monkeys woman. She was living in the jungle many years. This is one strange story to be sure. Perhaps we can learn some more.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Worst PC sales drop ever
Worst PC sales drop ever. This comes as no surprise. People, we HATE windows 8 as it sux. Yeah, we did like win seven. This new turkey is a pain. Yeah, and not just for us users. Most people are going android now. Tablets are taking over.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
drops 30 lbs
Oh yes, drops 30 lbs and your star will rise. Good advice says me. Like weight is holding you down in ways and one. Time to lose it is now.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
BEK are scary
David Weatherly talks about Brian Bethel and what he saw. People, what are we seeing. BEK are scary. Demonic entities are one saga. Maybe we are only now seeing what is one scary scenario.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Decline of unions
Labor is in a crisis. People keep on getting lower wages. OK so many complain of having to take cuts in pay. Decline of unions is serious. Maybe we will see most go away. Sadly, they could not adapt to the new environment that we are in.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
sharia councils
Friends, sharia councils operate in england and may come to america soon. Dubunkers will laugh at me. Well, no doubt people in england laughed in the seventies, but they do not laugh any more. Accommodation is the language of politicians now. When will we see a church in saudi arabia - never.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
newspapers going away
People, newspapers are going away. This is sad for us. Like we did enjoy em. Newspapers say that you cannot replace print ad dollars with internet digital dimes and now cell phone pennies. Well, so many went are going BANKRUPT as the world changes around us. Most are fighting a losing battle defending paper. Digital distribution won the war. It is easier to move electron than paper. It cost less money. Fuel costs are going up. The cost of moving all that paper is the final nail in the coffin of the once proud newspaper.
Source: via Tricia Goyer on Pinterest
Friday, April 5, 2013
North Korea raises
North Korea raises alert level just now. People, we need to prepare. Like there could be a war. Hey, we are not making this up. Situation is getting very raw. Right now we are gazing on a major crisis. God please do save us.
Source: via Electric Cars on Pinterest
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Disney loses jobs
Hey, this just in. Basically, things are scary in the house of mouse. For example, Disney will close down Lucas arts, maker of star wars games. Certainly, this is not good news. People need to spend money on what is necessary. Yeah, as in food - not video games.
Source: via Alyson on Pinterest
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Ford Figo
Ford Figo had a controversial ad and is now firing people, but no execs. Oh yes, they claim our economy is growing. Like we do not think so. Please do keep your eyes open.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
3.2% of desktops use win 8 now. What a flop says me. Please put the start button back in. This new os is a mess.
Source: via Adi on Pinterest
Monday, April 1, 2013
cyber attack is massive

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