Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Biotech promised a lot of jobs for us. However, they are few and the need is for many. Yeah, high tech is low pay. Also, we need to add that it is short on delivery and long on promises. Basically, it reminds me of politicians that we see. Like every day that goes by it is more promises. Few are kept if any. Well, that should not surprise us.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Robots are coming

Robots are coming. They are taking jobs away. Fellows, these steel collar workers do not take a break or ask for pay increases. Well, not yet anyway. Like they get smarter every year.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Chipotle struggles, but it is being crushed like an egg. All I think about is intestinal discomfort and stomach pain. Beans are not a friend of mine. Yeah, they are more of my enemies.

Twitter is full of Chipotle short-sellers: Bill Ackman on Chipotle's queso from CNBC.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Patricia Ress

Patricia Ress is a book author. She writes about the paranormal. Ghosts are a favorite topic of her's, but we will see. Halloween is near. Pumpkins are carved into jack-o-lanterns to scare us. Did we say carve? Oh yes, spooky stories are many. Frequently, they are very scary.

Sunday, October 15, 2017


There is a new HQ for amazon. Like where do they go? Hey, we are not so sure. It should be on the east coast, but we will see.

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Most of us look for openings. Yeah, the bell tolls for you. It is up to us. Hey, the blue door we may ring. Let us speak up. OK, so as we say... life goes on.

(719/17) La puerta azul

Friday, October 13, 2017


Pickup trucks in the future will use electric power. Sadly, we will see few if any gas cars. 2030 is near. Here are many jobs this will be gone. It is best that we find new careers. Ah yes, out with the old and in with the new. Society will need to adapt to a world that is quite different than our own. Just remember that it is a lot more than robots or flying cars. Technology marches on.

finding a new road... (HTT)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

California fires

California fires produced as much pollution in two days as all the states cars in one year. OK, so the solution is to ban matches of course. Yeah, and we should also ban cars. Make people use a bicycle from now on. Maybe that way... we can stop global warming. Remember that animals are a lot more important than persons. Otherwise, the number of fires might increase.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

asset prices

China warns us of a collapse in asset prices.  Folks, wake up... like we are so serious. Times do change for us. Future is a bit more gray. Do wonder why they even warn us. Hey, it could all get very messy. Please keep your chin up.  Just remember, that we might soon face another depression or recession.

China retail sales data beats, even as economy rebalances consumption from CNBC.

Sunday, October 8, 2017


Computer bugs are quite common. Look at new apps. Often the can cause your phone to lock up. Well, that is a pain. Just remember that we underpay programmers. Sadly, may make about 50 cents per hour and that is a lot less than our minimum way. The incentive to do a good job is near zero. Boost the hourly pay. Right, then we might see our apps improve. Hey, that is what we see.

Power-dressing for Beautiful Bug Butt Thursday

Friday, October 6, 2017

Netflix price increase

Netflix price increase is woe. Just look at their new movies. What do we even see? OK, so the quality keeps on going down and the price going up. Folks, this cannot go on. Most of the Netflix original movies are sour. Do wish they had great content, but this is not our case.


Sunday, October 1, 2017


Oh wow, technology moves at great speed, but that is necessary. Sadly, we are not getting better, but we are worse. Like we gotta wake up. Breathe in some pure air. High tech feels so very cold and sterile to me. Certainly, it lacks a vital factor as if something important is missing.
