Sunday, July 29, 2018

mac coin

McDonald's unveils a mac coin. That is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our BIG mac. Yo, I can really bite into this one. Gotta love our fast food areas. They supply us with a tasty dollar menu.


Saturday, July 28, 2018


5G is near. It means faster speeds for us. Hey, we can watch movies. Quite so, but they wanna charge us a lot for those gigs. Just understand that your friend is not a telephone company. They are more similar to an enemy.

Friday, July 27, 2018


Texas is a hot spot for start up companies. Well, that is super news. It has low taxes, great people, and nice weather that is warm.

Texas Pride

Thursday, July 26, 2018

common sense

Actually, common sense is not very common. Perhaps, we should call it a rare sense. Yeah, that carries more accuracy. In fact, we often see humans who are quite smart but lack basic common sense.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Facebook had its biggest stock drop ever. 20% down we see. Mark Zuckerberg lost billions of dollars in one day - oh my. This dramatic decline should maybe wake people up. Business as usual is over.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Ian Crawford

Ian Crawford says there was once life on our moon. Also, there was liquid water. Folks, we cannot make this stuff up. Hey, it is just too crazy. Perhaps, we know zero. Otherwise, it might be that we are totally insane. Life on our moon? When is the fright mare over?

Monday, July 23, 2018

cord cutting

Fellow viewers, cord cutting is growing. Cable TV is going away. Netflix is taking over. Yeah, it is true, they do have horrible movies. However, they are a lot less expensive. Expect more cable companies in woe. Well, you did overprice
your service. Try to come up with a cheaper product for your own viewers.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Graphics cards

Graphics cards are less expensive. This is due to a decline in crypto mining. Well, that should cheer up some gamers. Most were complaining ages ago. Basically, people were using graphics cards to mine bit coins.

Electronic components

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Vomit fraud

Vomit fraud in Uber is a major issue. Drivers claim they have to clean up a mess. However, there was none. Then these liars do pocket the $150 cleaning fee folks but wait there is more. Lyft has a $250 cleaning fee wow.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Really bad movies

Really bad movies. Click the link for some. Most do not stay long in your cinema. Yeah, they have bills to pay. Word can get out and customers stop coming. Hey, we do love critics when they save us from having poor experiences. Just hope that you can find that great summer movie. It is TV for me.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

scream awesome

Bro, there is one car... that just screams awesome. Perhaps, we are looking at it now. Let us find new avenues. Ferrari really is amazing.

Ottawa Ferrari Fest 2017.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Killer Robots

Thousands of scientists do join Elon Musk in being against Killer Robots - wow. Fellows, this sounds like something right out of a B science fiction movie. Yeah, one that is long on fiction and short on science. Honestly, we are not making this up. It is just too crazy. After all, we should not imagine a more scary scenario... or could we.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Netflix sneezes

Netflix sneezes. Wallstreet is in a panic. Reed Hastings does not worry. Just look at their earning. Yeah, those factors are up. It seems Wallstreet is getting all emotional again. However, we do notice it is rather quiet in our local movie cinema. Most of their former customers are staying home now.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Time is a thief

Time is a thief that robs you... basically, it takes all your beauty and your energy. All that wonderful health is now gone. Sadly, all you have left is but a mere shell of what you once were. Most of the wonderful attributes are no more.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

lack of oxygen

New Jersey woman died due to lack of oxygen. She could not operate her breathing machine because electricity was cut off by the power company. Fellows, we would like to have a world with less emphasis on corporate earnings. Maybe, we humans can try to show a little bit of compassion.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Brake by wire

Brake by wire is so near. It could be coming soon to our cars. Oh yes, no more broken brake lines ever. Well, that could be one consequence. Still, it reminds me... like of fly by wire in aviation and that my friends can be a bit scary. Just remember to keep looking up, or down in this case.

Friday, July 13, 2018


Steven Gibbs is the HDR inventor. He built this unit back in 1985 which seems to us as ages ago. Well, we have not heard from him in a bit, but he still makes his HDR units and talks about time travel to us.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Hotter cities

Hotter cities can be deadly for us. Blame the heat island effect some more. Also, people do blame global warming. However, our winters are colder for some reason. Scientists need to work on new theories and throw out the old ones. Yeah, that would indeed benefit all of us.

La Defense from below

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Retail is not dead... yet, but we think that it will be soon. Look at the malls all around us. Oh wow, the parking lots are empty instead of being full of cars. It is a lot easier... to just order your product from amazon. Hey, you save time and money. Also, we save on gas. Well, that is good for our environment as we can see.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

cord cutting increases

Here is good news. Well, that would be for us anyway. Oh yes, cord cutting increases. Maybe, that will send the cable TV company a message. Stop making your shows so expensive.

Saturday, July 7, 2018


Question for you. Do you have a tall stack of paperwork to sign? Yeah, it keeps on getting higher every year. Funny, how the telephone always rings. It seems that there is always more stuff for us to sign off on. Documents might come in the form of an email now. However, getting them ready is still a major pain.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

honey smacks

Salmonella was found in honey smacks cereal and that is a pain. Glad that we do not partake of such delights as we see. Do not want to live in a bubble, but there we are. Yo, over 100 people have gotten sick already, and that number will probably increase.

Kellogg's Honey Smacks

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


4th of July is super. Fireworks are so amazing. Still, here we are. All those kids throwing rockets into the air. It does scare me. Enough said, they will eventually land somewhere and that could be near you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


This seems like a vortex to me. Steven Gibbs talks about the importance of finding one. Yeah, that is what he says. People are attracted to its own unique energy.

So It's So Long California

Monday, July 2, 2018

scary cruise

Sailor was lost at sea. He fell off the ship into the cold water and it was scary. Well, we got some awesome news. He was found 22 hours later, alive - wow. Such are the perils of working on a scary cruise. Hey, they did warn us. Do stay on land my fine ones. It is better that way. Please remember that we have a really big ocean.


Sunday, July 1, 2018


Oh wow, Comcast outage is massive. Millions of people were without internet for many hours due to a cut in the fiber optic cables they use. Hey, it is better than copper wire. That said, it is not so easy to repair. Let us hope for the best as we see these outages are becoming more common.