Thursday, November 29, 2018

cold weather

Just look at this new one. Like wow, cold weather might be the reason... for the plunge in new home sales, but it could be our on going economic crisis. Yeah, we do hope that this situation does not turn into a massive recession. Frankly, that would indeed be bad for us.

Frozen To Pieces

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


ATM was spitting out one hundred dollar bills and giving customers free money. Huge lines began to appear. Yeah, we see a Christmas bonus came a bit early for some.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

New AI

New AI algorithm is racism. Gorillas are one reason. Hey, we do not want computers to rule us. Fellows, there are many reasons. Yeah, we are in an unusual world that is filled with max woe.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Sadly, there is a lot of racism.  Books will often deal with this pressing issue. Developing a world that is better is not so easy. Let us work hard to treat others the way we want them to treat us.

Luke 6:31
Do to others as you would have them do to you

Sunday, November 25, 2018


Check out these zips. Ghost towns are what they are.  All those vacancies are worrisome.  Please do not blame me. Often, it is no jobs and excessive crime. It could be that we need to do some in source. People are moving away. Do think that we cannot find it in ourselves to blame em.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Florida will get rid of dog racing. Oh wow, the politically correct crowd strikes again. I do not believe that we should allow the mac menu. After all, a lot of those burgers are old cows. Yeah, when you stop giving milk, you are turned into an all-beef patty on a bun full of sesame.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Thanksgiving has become more commercialized every year. Hey, we really do face a new morning. I see that people are less close to God for some reason. Sadly, we have become morally bankrupt and will become so in an economic manner.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

gas prices

Please do enjoy low gas prices. Definitely, we do expect them to increase. Hey, that is the world that we are in. Actually, we need to depend less on fossil fuels and not more. OK, so that said, we should explore other options that are available to us.


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Klingon, I mean Clinton will run again. Folks, this is scary. Then again, so is she so what do we say. I believe that Hillary Clinton almost won. However, there was that email issue. Basically, we know that she is like a zombie in some ways. Brothers and sisters, this is like an on going FRIGHT mare.

Monday, November 19, 2018


Carlos Ghosn from nissan is no more an exec. He is accuse of under reporting his pay. Well, this man was let go.

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Instagram will crack down on fake like creating using an app. Well, that should never surprise us. Please do smile for my camera. It is one that shoots 4K video and is very expensive. Hey, that is no lie my fine ones.

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Florida is an amazing area. Here is just one snip. It comes from an embed of Google maps. Yeah, we do hope that you can enjoy.

Friday, November 16, 2018


A high school in England bans clothes that are expensive. Folks, we are not making this story up.... like it is just too crazy. After all, there is no reason. Officials say it is to help the poor. OK, so that is their answer. Frankly, that makes no sense. Well, here we are. Life gets more amazing every single year.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

fast pace

Residents of major metros move at a fast pace. Yeah, we can say um  move. Frankly, this is a bit worrisome. After all, we need to slow down some more.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Twitter does test a new button for the home screen. OK, so the chronological order is in reverse. Personally, we do not think that this product will stop troublesome tweets, but we might be wrong. Hey, I really do enjoy using our micro blogging service.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

amazon rumors

There are many amazon rumors. OK, so it could be that the new HQ is in queens. Well, that will probably mean... like higher real estate price. However, on the plus side, the number of jobs may increase.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Friday, November 9, 2018

luxury houses

The number of luxury houses increases. Most of us... do not have any hope of owning one. Well, we might use AIRBNB to live in a mansion. For one day perhaps, but then we must go back to our shack, as we see.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Question for you. Does using a bus help you to save energy? Actually, we are not so sure. Many times the big bus is empty or near so. Please add that using public transportation is real expensive. Yeah, most of the pleasant passengers are poor.


Monday, November 5, 2018

cord cutters

Right now cord cutters increase. People are tired of cable and its outrageous prices. There is a main reason. Folks, we have economic issues. Sadly, some are serious.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Actually, a lot of jobs require you to type away on a keyboard and look at a computer screen. Yeah, we did say - type away. Well, it is not so nice. Often typists have burning eyes. Please do not worry. Executives want to out source your job to countries that pay low wages.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

beautiful beaches

Australia has beautiful beaches as we see. Here is one. It is in the south of the island continent - wow. Great place the land of oz.

Higher Than The Sun

Friday, November 2, 2018

California wild fire

California wild fire gets worse... like over 1,000 persons are missing. Folks, they are blaming global warming now. Well, we certainly do not think so. It is a distinctive lack of rain. Yeah, that is probably our main reason.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Friends, apple will no longer report I phone sales any more. Well, that is certainly not a good sign. After all, they use to crow. Hey, that is not what they want bro - as in no go. Basically, here is what we see as a reason. 5G phones from apple are said to be about a year behind android - yes one year. Honestly, that length of time seems like a life time in the high tech universe. Yo, we could be so wrong. That said, I don't think so.