Thursday, January 31, 2019

rising seas

Flooding is suppose to appear more common. This is due to rising seas. Well, we do not think that is so. If fact, we feel that what we will face soon... like is a mini ice age. Notice all the dramatic  record low temperatures that we now see.

le retour

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Climate change

Climate change needs a brand new image. Well, that is what they are now saying. Actually, record low temperatures are a pressing issue. Basically, people do not believe our men in science. Remember that scientists were once saying we were in a mini ice age. Funny, they no longer talk about that one.

a mountain

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Perhaps we wonder what a vortex is. Hey, that need not be a max worrisome scenario. Most claim that it is a magnetic anomaly we cannot visually perceive. Think of the Gadianton Canyon time space warp. Yo, that is a mystery or an enigma.

Vatican Museum's grand spiral stair


Researchers can use an HDR for astral time travel it seems. What is TIME any way? There are so many questions and so few answers.

Monday, January 28, 2019


I do say - train fascinate us. Well, there is so much we cannot stop and see. Just look at the clean lines of a railroad and you tell me.

66761 Ribblehead Station

Sunday, January 27, 2019

wild horses

People often see wild horses as a symbol for freedom, but I am not so sure. They have problems of their very own. Yeah, there are certainly a lot of power issues. Well, that is what we are gonna see.

Family Dynamics

Saturday, January 26, 2019


OK, so Costco is opening a chicken farm just now. Folks, we are not kidding you. Hey, it does seem so ominous to me. Well, that is how it seems. Do hope that they can soon supply us with some less expensive eggs. After all, they are too EGGS pensive. Oh wow, we cannot resist a great pun.


Friday, January 25, 2019


Japan says that the transgender must now remove all of their reproductive organs. Folks, we are not making this story up. It is just too crazy insane. After all, we do know that a lot of people are unsure... like as to what their actual gender is.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


China will surpass the USA in total retail sales for the first time ever. Hey, this is the giant among emerging economies. Let us not forget that they have over one billion citizens and are still growing. Time is not our friend, but an enemy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Elon Musk

Elon Musk believes that artificial intelligence is dangerous for us. He does fear that killer robots could indeed take over. Frankly, that sounds like the plot for a low budget science fiction movie. Yeah, one that is long on speculative fiction and short on pure science.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

red train

Gotta love this red train my fine ones. It looks so super. Hey, I have often seen the light at the end of the tunnel is an on coming fright train - wow. That is a joke - just in case. Humor needs to become more common. Yo, that is indeed what we see. Let us celebrate our new era.

Approaching Silver Springs Shores

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day sees a lot of stores closed  -  banks for one. This is a national holiday, but not for everyone. Well, we do appreciate that people are focusing on harmony among races.

Friday, January 18, 2019


Religion is slowly fading away. People do not wanna believe in what is unseen. Well, they are so wrong. Let us face facts as a lot of things are quite real that we cannot ever see. For example, we cannot see radio waves. Also, we cannot view x-rays. Yet, I can tell you that they are quite real and have an effect on us.

Holy Light

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

high tech

Fellow, this is what I think and I could be wrong. OK, so high tech feels cold for some reason. Like we are not sure on... just exactly what it is. However, we know that most of the industrial scenes... use gray. Red is more me.

Prime Directive

Monday, January 14, 2019


Fellows, what do we even see. Oh yes, videos are a lot more common. You tube is a lot more important than it was ages ago. Just keep in mind that 4K screens were
once max expensive.

Saturday, January 12, 2019


FaceBook sales clashes with engineers. Shoe-gate is the name. Well, we do know that most salespeople are americans. However, most engineers get 50 cents an hour and are overseas. Also, they dream of making our minimum wage.

Friday, January 11, 2019

atomic energy

I remember when I was a kid, a teacher told me about the wonders of atomic energy. First, we learned that is has great promise. Also, we were told that in the future we would have some PLUTONIUM power cars. Oh yes, I do not believe we will see any. However, we could be wrong.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

retail stores

This is the dawn of a new era. Ah yes, retail stores are going under all over. Sadly, we see a lot of people looking for new jobs in our recession. Hey, it does indeed cause use some sorrow.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

worker strike

There is a worker strike in Mexico for more green. Ah yes, money that is. Folks, that should never surprise us. Certainly, we could see this one... like a mile away even.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Taxi drivers protest  Uber just now. Blocking roads is one avenue. Hey, we cannot resist a pun. I hope they ready do find new roads, but who can see.

Friday, January 4, 2019

15 jobs

15 jobs that may survive. Well, we do hope so. Folks, we do wanna live a world where our economic situation is LESS worrisome. Still, here we are. Robots are really trying to take over our universe.

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Question for you. Just exactly why do we enjoy museums? After all, we see a lot of old bones of creatures from long ago. Hey, that does not tickle my fancy or even most of ours.


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

barber shop

Colleagues, going to the barber shop is an amazing experiences. I lose hair as well as money. However, I feel super. Please tell me what the reason is. Just what do we even see. Life in an interesting process.

Phil's Barber Shop