Friday, March 29, 2019

robots will rise

Jobless future is near. Ah yes, robots will rise. Drone delivery might take over. Truck drivers become more aware. Like you might indeed be on the unemployment line soon. Future is wow. It will happen like in the blink of an eye.

Monday, March 25, 2019


People are not going to the movie theater or cinema. Expect them to use Netflix and other streaming services. Box office records show that we are staying home a lot more. Oh yes, that is the scary future we are in. Funny, there might indeed be a lot fewer movies. Times are certainly changing on us.

Kirby Theater, Roxboro, NC

Saturday, March 23, 2019


Helicopters are in an evacuation of passengers. This is one FRIGHT mare cruise. The ship is sinking due to massive waves. Already, a may day distress call was sent out. Hope they evacuate all the earning less than minimum wage crew. Please here me on this one. I am tired of executives cutting corners. Result is for us - more woe. Yeah, we are tired of execs. Most are trimming expenses. All they can do is DOWN size. Well, we want some answers. Just what is going on? Whose fault is it that the ship lost engine power?

Friday, March 22, 2019

time space warp

NASA says we live in a time space warp. Believe me, this is beyond eerie. Ah, those wonderful men in science. What will they discover for us. Perhaps, it is as Elon Musk says. He believes that the reality we experience... like it is not real, but a computer simulation that is in some ways quite similar to a video game. Bro, I want my quarter back and I fully expect that the machine will soon utter the words - game over.

Looking up this time EXPLORED!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

ahead of us

Often we wonder what the journey ahead will bring us.

MALMO STREE BW 190225-28-L1050246

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Jury finds that round up causes cancer. This did cause Bayer stock to go lower on the news. Hey, I do not use round up any more. It is not that great at getting rid of weeds as you have to apply it again and again. Worst problem is rain. Yeah, that will wash it away. OK, so now we hear that it causes cancer. Glad that we had a jury.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

phone booths

Sadly, our iconic phone booths are not as popular as they once were. By the way, do not feed two birds with one scone. Yeah, that is not so politically correct no more. Hey, I did warn you. Funny how that is. People always do seem to worry some more. Just remember to carry on. Also, please do keep on looking up.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

ship cargo

OK, so every single day there is a lot of in coming ship cargo. This event should not surprise us mon. However, we do not produce any, but we do consume. Yeah, that is seen as a minor issue. Well, we most certainly do not agree.

@ Kochi 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019


Don't eat a cow man. Animal rights are the next frontier for the left wing. Dude, they might wanna ban our corn fed beef soon. Yeah, we cannot snack on a big mac. Oh yes, they will tolerate carnivores no more. All of us will have to go vegan. Future might not allow eggs even.


Thursday, March 14, 2019

black swan

What type of event is a black swan?  Frankly, it is an unusual rare occurrence. Oh wow, that is what we see. Certainly, it is not so common. Brothers and sisters, there we are.

Folks, we have a weaker anemic economic crisis. It might be time for some growth stocks to shine once more... like from an emerging economy even. They could indeed carry us. Listen to the noise. Ah yes, the opening bell tolls for us.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Elon Musk

Elon Musk says tweeting is free speech mon.  Hey is great at creating electric cars. Also, we do like his space x.

According to Elon Musk, we live in a simulation that is like a computer game. Bro, reality is not real for us. This could change the way we see our immense universe.

Monday, March 11, 2019


Robot submarines are near. This is an odd universe we are in. Well, we might say - it is time for the odd to get even. Frankly, we did not see this one coming. Still, it does make some sense. After all, you are going to see a lot more robots in the year to come. Do be sure on that one.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Eiffel tower

Eiffel tower is very iconic. Paris takes our breath away. Beauty is in the beholder's eye. Still, we do wonder about the world we are in. Frankly, there is so much mystery going on. Think of it as a mystery inside of an enigma.


Saturday, March 9, 2019

random errors

OK, so some people see faces in random errors. Ah yes, some pictures in clouds is a common occurrence. Well, that is what we see. Hearing is also part of the phenomenon, but more rare. Pareidolia is hearing weird non-existent messages... like on records when they are played in reverse.

Friday, March 8, 2019

USA oil exports

USA oil exports surpass Saudi Arabia - wow. Please remember that we have a lot of coal, but do you remember the 70's energy crisis. Yeah, we need to keep our eyes open. Nobody know what the future can give us.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren wanna break up big tech companies. Hey, we are talking about Google and or amazon. Folks, this is so worrisome. Maybe, we should focus on her iowa campaign. Just when you hit pause. Then all heck breaks loose on me. God have mercy on us. She really is serious. Like this is not a joke I tell you. Yeah, it seems like the whole world is going crazy insane.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Researchers say we cannot turn back time, but we certainly do not agree. Look at all the things people thought were im posse ball once. Hey, we do not believe our men in science. After all, they have been wrong before and will be wrong once more.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Question for you. If you have an early passing. Will your children remember you? Actually, that would depend on their age. Most kids are not so aware. Let us hope so. Fact is, we are not that important to others as we see.

Monday, March 4, 2019

arctic blast

Friends, there is an arctic blast coming. Yeah, cold weather is near. Sadly, winter is not over. Yeah, it is right here with us.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

coffee is warm

Let me tell you. It is not an accident that coffee can wake me up in an amazing new morning. Still, we do like to brew a new cup. I do not like it to be cold, but want it to seem so warm. Well, maybe that is just me.

Saturday, March 2, 2019


Let me tell you something about selling a mansion. It is not so easy. First off, the number of people who can afford one is near zero. Also, they will get a huge bill in property taxes that they must pay every year. Certainly, this is just the beginning of woe. Few realtors understand that complicated process. It does indeed take a lot of time to sell one. Oh yes, a mansion we mean.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Deep fake

Deep fake technology is on a rise. It is hard to know what is real any more. Folks, we can issue a major warning. Please do not believe everything that you see. Computers using artificial intelligence just have way too much power now. Basically, this is the product of us living in an awesome new era. Actually, things were a lot better - back in the analog age. Data is just a lot of numbers and it is something that is easy... to make up. Just how do we tell what is fake from what is genuine?