Wednesday, July 31, 2019

far away

Brothers and sisters, I do like places that are far away. This bright colorful town is in Argentina, an amazing country where they do have the opposite seasons. Well, when we compare em to ours. For example, it is real cold now. However, during the long holiday season... like it is so warm. Christmas and new years eve are warm... there is no snow.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Scientists create some contact lenses that can zoom.  Well, this is certainly our awesome news. Do hope that these lenses become available soon.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Friday, July 26, 2019


Often we wonder about the path we are on. Just exactly, where are we going? Certainly, it is a mystery or an enigma. God gives our LIVES some purpose.

Red Fence Friday

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


FORD has an all electric F-150 pickup truck now. This is a wow. Hey, we do like what we see. Just hope that we can climb mountains and tow a big boat and have a lot of range.


Monday, July 22, 2019

motion smoothing

Like wow, motion smoothing can ruin cinema. Basically, it grabs your nice 24 fps movie. Then it turns it into a soap opera.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren sees an economic crisis. Do hope that she is very wrong. Things could get better for most of us. Still, in the middle east there is brewing a conflict that could turn into a nasty war.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

you tube

Noodle with AnnieProfessors need to entertain their students some more. Otherwise, they will watch you tube in class it seems. Hey folks, we are not making this strange story up. It is just too crazy insane. Why do these students pay all that money... to go to college and learn for their new career? Just maybe, it is simply silly me.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


There are amazing free online classes to help you emerge as a success. Certainly, we can use more wow. After all, learning is a life long process. Basically, it should never go away. Oh yes, we mean never.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Robots can use AI to help control our cameras. Well, that is interesting to me. Technology marches on. Fact is, it might be picking up its own pace. Let us hope so. After all, we do need tech to grow.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


Tariffs could being back factories, but that is not our case. Instead, greedy execs... like they are relocating factories in China to other places in asia. Mostly these pay even LOWER wages. Just what can we even see?

Saturday, July 13, 2019

R Kelly

R Kelly arrested on sex crimes. Hey, we could see this one coming... like a mile away even. Michael Jackson got lucky that he was not living in our new me too era. Still, we know that R Kelly might still get off because he has a lot of money. Do hope that people will finally open their eyes.

Friday, July 12, 2019

illegal immigration

Yo, illegal immigration is bad for our poor. They have to compete with illegals that are working for less than our minimum wage. Sadly, employers like to hire illegals and save money. Frankly, that means less jobs for us. Already, we see record profits in companies. Mostly, they are moving factories over seas. Those jobs that they cannot move. Well, they do hire illegals and pay em pennies.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

old cows

OK, so livestock producers are nervous now. People do not like to eat old cows. They prefer to feast on soy. It seems that every year vegans are growing. Maybe, we need to all eat grass. Like wow, that is better than being carnivorous. Well, that is my own opinion.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Global markets

Global markets are slowing down some. Friends, that situation is serious. Maybe, a FED rate cut will help us. Honestly, we do not think it can. Basically, we do wonder about the possibility of an economic crisis. Yeah, that would make our current situation even more worrisome.

Sunset Shower

Monday, July 8, 2019


Patriotism and pride in being an American... have hit an all-time low just now. Blaming our current political administration is wrong. After all, patriotism has been declining for many years. However, we are now told that our very FLAG is racism. Certainly, it is a strange place that we are now in.

Saturday, July 6, 2019


Greenland is losing a lot of ice. Yeah, it might actually be green soon. Scientists claim this is due to global warming. Bro, we are not so sure. Maybe, there is another reason.


Thursday, July 4, 2019

MAD magazine

MAD magazine is going away.  Remember spy versus spy? that was certainly
a favorite of mine. Well, there it is. Hey, I really did like MAD magazine. Yeah, we are sorry... to see em go. What a crazy universe we are in. That reminds me... there use to be a crazy magazine.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


NetflixNetflix continues to lose more of its content and raise prices.  Fellows, this cannot be good for us in the long run. Still, their subscriber base is growing. Hey, some individuals simply do not even care. All we are getting is very poor movies. Let me repeat - poor. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

our meow

Do it now our meow. That is a new slogan for me.


Monday, July 1, 2019


Chrome will block ads - yes. This is great news. I do hope that they do not change their minds later on. After all, money talks and we like the color green.