Friday, September 24, 2021


 Winter haters are wrong. Life is not so wonderful when you have an endless summer. Please do believe me. Tropical regions... like they are not the most wonderful area.

Happy Birthday, dear Maelia!!! 🌷🌷🌷

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 Birthdays are a welcome occasion. OK, so perhaps that is only when people are young. Frankly, I have noticed that a lot of older people do not like to celebrate gaining one year. That could be as so few are left in the little box of coins. Ah yes, time is certainly not our friend but one of our enemies.

Birthday Cake by Mary

Monday, September 20, 2021


 Fox reminds me of a dog as they are canines. Well, the differences are many. Still, it is nice... like to see one. 😀


Friday, September 17, 2021

warm memories

 I still have some warm memories. They are of a very different time before our current crisis, Hey, we do hope that things can improve. Well, there we are. My friends say that we need to be a lot more careful now.

Really pretty open terrace

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 China intensifies its massive hunt for crypto currency miners. Basically, these digital operations require a lot of processing power. However, I do believe that there is another reason. Maybe, they are aware something that is not apparent to most of us.❤


Monday, September 6, 2021


People are avoiding using the city bus now. Well, there are many reason. First, we are in the middle of an on going crisis. Let me add that buses often travel through high crime areas. Well, need we say more.


#Ani33 #Skne #SD #KingEdward #KippsBus #FuckTheLTC

Thursday, September 2, 2021


 OK, so electric cars could be restricted soon to driving from late at night to sunrise. Actually, that might make some sense. Sadly, cars cannot drive themselves or fly, but we can dream on. Still, we do believe that most artificial intelligence is way short on delivery and way long on promise.

Tesla supercharger