Perhaps on another alternate timeline, this is your average art museum. It looks like something from a parallel universe. Hey, it is so eerie. Still, there could be an unusual world where this shape is so common.

Bad news for cruises. They might be shut down again. Yeah, this is due to omicron. Folks, I ask you. When is this scary FRIGHT mare over? Please wake me up. I want the bad dream to end very soon.
1929 was almost 100 years ago. Still, remember old folks telling me about the great depression and all the hardships we had to face in the previous prison. Yeah, that was another era. People often call it the jazz age. Well, we might face many similar circumstances soon. After all, if we do not learn from history we might just be forced to repeat it again and again. Let us hope that I am wrong. Remember to open BOTH your eyes. Just what do you see now?
AI could help us explore our universe. Fellow colleagues, we do wonder about what the far future will give us. Still, we move on. That said, it might be quite different from what we can imagine. Hello tomorrow we say.
Data science is awesome. AI will most definitely become a lot more important in coming years. People are telling me... that there will be a lot more jobs in data science. Well, I do like your parade, and I do not want to be seen as rain. OK, so the trouble is that a lot of those jobs can be sent overseas. Could be that they will be filled by people who make a lot less than our own minimum wage. Hey, I already saw that happen in computer programming.
Digital dress codes are a new worrisome concern. Hey, we need to look great in the amazing meta verse. Talk about dress for success.
5G can affect airline safety is our new concern. Well, my phone is 5G, and it is still very slow, but there we are. I say no more 5G as it is better to be safe than sorry. Please do tell me how you feel about what is going on.
Google doodle is a pizza game. Well, that did cheer me up. After all, we do enjoy eating a slice of pizza. Hey, in other news. The weather is turning a bit chilly for some. Expect to see some snow soon.
December seven is a day that will live in infamy for many years. Do hope that we will not see another one. Yeah, that was a terrible war. Millions of people as a result were never born and others are no more.
Here is the latest that hard core Liberals want to foist on us. Ah yes, they want to ban golf courses. These can cause - global warming. Folks, I cannot make this stuff up. Like it is simply too crazy insane. Please do wake me up. I want this horrible ongoing FRIGHT mare to be over soon.
Finding a large magnetic vortex is not so easy. Certainly, an EMF meter can indeed help us. However, we do wonder what the effect of being exposed to a powerful magnetic field is. Could be that we should try to limit our exposure. Definitely, it is a matter we should explore further as we gain more experience.