I do wonder how space aliens might see us. Perhaps, we have an insular view. There is so much that we do not understand about our universe. Yeah, like where do I begin even? Basically, there is a lot of stuff we need to cover.

Scientists talk about the existence of a parallel universe. OK, so it is similar to our own. However, it is not the same. Perhaps, the laws of physics are a bit different as we see. Hey, as for what the consequences are... like we are not so sure.
CHATGPT could destroy internet search engines. Well, that is the latest theory, but we will soon see... like if that is our case. I do like artificial intelligence, but CHATGPT is full of errors. Hey, we might get better in the coming years. Time will tell as we see.
I do not like to see December seven. Oh wow, this date will live in infamy, but people in the future will not remember us. That is unless they are students of history and even then I am not so sure. Will tomorrow smile on us? Hey, who can say?
Listen to this old song. It is called a paper moon. Frankly, back then people felt that the world around them was a fake illusion as REAL as a mirage. The lyrics describe a paper moon. Also, Peggy Healey, the singer describes a canvas sea.
Folks, you have been to the local grocery. Oh wow, eggs are expensive. There are so many reasons. Economists do blame the bird flu virus. Well, that might be part of our case. Still, look do at the high price of corn. Sadly, all food prices are going up. Chickens eat a lot of corn. Well, we could feed them other grains. That said, we should expect to pay more. Inflation is my answer.
I love to see roses. Perfume is one reason. Roses are the pinnacle of beauty and awesomeness. They take your breath away. Most people do not understand why they are so important to me. Often, I like to give a girl a dozen roses. Ah yes, this act can convey what we mean. Still, I do not like fake roses. Frankly, those pale pathetic counterfeits are so worrisome.
OK, so scam bank man fraud does ponder on whether he did anything wrong. Let me see... h-he stole a bunch of money. That does seem an error. All we can say is wow.
OK, so bed bath and beyond is moving to the far beyond as we see. Actually, that are not long for our own universe. Hey, it was a boring store, but there we are. Do wish they could have reinvented themselves before the final gong.
CHATGPT is taking over. These are the words of a computer programmer. Hey, we are talking about something that amazes us.
Getty images can ban AI-generated art now. This news is so worrisome. Just what does AI generate even mean? Look at all those science fiction movies. Like they are full of CGI or computer-generated images.
Banks are getting ready for a massive recession. Folks, this news... like it should not even surprise us. After all, we have been hearing such rumors. Well, the major banks are socking away some cash money now. This is because they really believe that loan defaults will increase soon. Do hope that they are wrong.
Computers can create drawings now. To tell you the truth, these pictures are not as good as those created by a person. That said, we are in a new era. Basically, time will tell what tomorrow can give us.
Neanderthals might have been able to create awesome music. Yeah, they might have created some tunes a long time ago. Do wonder if they did convey happiness or sorrow. What do we convey using our own music?
Perhaps, there was once... life on mars. Hey, it might have been germs. Still, that would be so amazing. Please tell me what your thoughts are.
The world we live in feels like a video game. Also, the precious data we are given... there are contradictions all over. Finding out the truth is not so easy. Often, we are told one thing and we find out that is not our case... later on. Yeah, this is one eerie universe we are in.
Yeah, we do need more energy. Floating solar farms are the latest crazy idea from our greens. Oh wow, I did not see this one coming. Hey, it is not a good idea to have gigantic floating solar farms on our ocean. Basically, big waves is one reason.
Question for you. How soon can AI in fact replace actors in our movies? WHAT is what we see now? Sadly, we do not have an answer. It can seem so worrisome. After all, we do know that many movie cinemas are no more.
Twitter says workers might bet 1/2 of their annual bonus this year. Folks, we might be going into a massive recession. Let us hope that we are wrong.
Robots are full of racism. Hey, run that past me once more. Please tell me why a machine that is mathematical algorithms is filled to the brim with racism. I really do not believe that is our case.
Hey, skin whitening cream is seen as racism. It is a really minor concern. Still, this is for beauty companies worrisome. Maybe wrinkle cream is ageism.
Talking tech is nice. I do enjoy learning more. Well, large language models are the latest artificial intelligence move. Frankly, it is popular with major companies. Hey, we still wonder when we will see robots cleaning the floors at our local dairy queen. OK, so to tell you the truth, it might take a few years.
Please do take a look at grocery prices. They are way up. Actually, this is the highest price increase... like since 1979 - wow. Folks, we need to grow our own. Otherwise, it eats up a lot of our own earnings. Do need to make this old world a better place for all of us. Whole Paycheck is a great name.
Get ready for a catastrophic winter as energy costs soar. Friends, we see that hyperinflation is on a roar. Best that we keep both of our eyes open. It is going to get even worse. OK, so the road ahead is a bumpy one. I do not need to write to you about what is going on. Brothers and sisters, our situation is serious.
Youtube is moving into podcasts now. Please tell me more. Actually, this is maximum awesome news. Well, here we go now.
I know I sound like a broken record, but grocery prices are up. Just keep a look and see... finding certain staple items is not so easy. Also, the price of eggs is scary. They did increase 38% year over year. Fact is, I just paid $6.99 for a dozen organic eggs. Please do tell me... that I am living inside of a fright mare.
There is some more news on melting ice caps. OK, so that really means we can sea or see rising seas. Fellow colleagues, I can still remember being told that Miami would be under water by 2020 and here we are.
Google fiber is in an expansion. Actually, this is awesome news. Do hope we can get high-speed internet in new areas.
Reality is calling on us. Please do wake up. Home affordability is a minor issue in our new economic crisis. I believe that a lot of our americans... like they are going to leave the USA very soon. Here is my reason. People no longer feel secure. Basically, the rule of law is no more. Also, let me add, that there is an increase in serious crimes.
People are so grumpy due to our worrisome economic crisis. OK, so never in one year... have consumers lost so much purchasing power... due to turmoil as inflation boils over. Hey, we really did say um never. It is fine to feel grumpy. However, we need a plan going forward as consumers. Maybe, we should consume less instead of consuming more.
Pete Buttigieg says our roads are full of racism. Yeah, this charge coming from Democrats should indeed surprise no one. After all, they constantly scream racism. Hey, this strategy is getting rather old for most of us.
Food shortage might get even worse. Believe me, this has been one warm summer. It needs to become a lottter hotter for people to wake up. Hey, the situation is getting out of control as far as we can see. Just take a look at grocery prices. Those keep on going up.
Netflix is now losing subscribers at quite a pace. This is a major sign... like we have not seen in many years. Fellow colleagues, we could be entering a massive recession. Please pray that our God helps us.
Robots are full of racism. Also, let me tell you... they are filled to the brim with um sexism. It is a strange world we are in. Hard to appreciate how important this news is. I always thought that computers were a one or a zero. Maybe, we need computers that are nonbinary now.
Disney beats Netflix in subscriber numbers and it increases prices. Actually. I do prefer Netflix as it has many movies. Cartoons are not so nice.
Ford F150 EV truck price goes up. This fact should amaze no one. After all, those big truck batteries are so expensive. Let me add that they do not last long and people may need to replace one soon. Frankly, we are in a world of hurt as we see.
Certainly, we know that college is not as popular as it once was. Well, it is simply mega expensive as in massive. I still remember when people felt that they needed to get a degree in order to be a success. Frankly, those days are over.
OK, so higher education is not so pop no more. A smaller percentage of high school students is going to college every year. Basically, we do not value a college degree as much as we did in a previous era. There are so many reasons. Please remember that going to a university is very expensive. A lot of jobs do not require college and many that do are being sent overseas.
Elon Musk says that our universe is a computer simulation that is somewhat like a video game. Hey, that might not be such a bad idea except maybe the programmer... like could give me the lottery numbers so I could be the next big mega jackpot winner.
Oh wow, a man went 4000 miles on a lawn mower. That does sound like a record to me. What is your own opinion?
Storm clouds might appear... for our economy. Yeah, we understand that things are about to get more worrisome. Friends, we might soon face a major massive recession. Please add to that the fact that we are now in an economic crisis.
Who owns our moon? That is an interesting question and we have no answer. Perhaps, that answer is no one. Yeah, we do not think there is a current owner. Time will tell as we see.
Frankly, going to a fancy private school is a big investment in both a parent's time as well as money. It will increase the chance of college success. Notice that I said increase. Hey, I certainly did NOT say assure.
I keep hearing about preferred pronouns. This is a new issue. Don't remember hearing about this one many years ago. Back then people pondered on other issues... for example, a looming thermonuclear war.
Ukraine war is an economic crisis. This is bad for all of us. Expect fuel prices to go up. Basically, we need to learn how to live in peace. I wish there was no more war. However, we need to prepare for what is coming soon.
Photographers have had their businesses totally devastated by corona virus. It is so hard to pick up some pieces. Well, there is still an omicron wave. Don't know just when people will come in for classic portraits if ever. Maybe, our answer is never.
Abandoned rocket hits our moon. Do wonder what Elon Musk says about this one. Yeah, it is a sorry saga. Could be that we need to protect what is ours. Still, the moon does not have an owner.
Here are the college majors that are making people the least amount of money. Cash is still king and I do not know who is queen now. Still, we do like to see cold hard cash going into our pockets, except with inflation we do need a lot more.
Oh wow, photography challenges are many. Yeah, we do enter a contest to become a big winner. That said, we do feel that there is something different in our air. Hey, this winter chill is so deep that it could follow us into a warm summer. Well, that is what we see. Please tell me... like what your views are.
NVIDIA is said to suffer a cyber attack just now. Hey, we do need to know what is really going on. Sadly, this is an amazing company. Don't know what the reason is. Please understand that this chips are important in artificial intelligence and data science.
People really do avoid fast food, but it being unhealthy is not our main reason. Instead, being guilty is our case. Yeah, that fact does make some sense. Life can indeed be great, but we so are in one eerie universe.
Scientists do tell us that our sea level may soon rise. By 2050 it might be a foot or more. Yeah, that would be bad - just one. Certainly, it would make our category five hurricanes even worse. Also, we could indeed face a massive increase in premiums... like in flood insurance.
Yo, the coast guard stopped searching for a woman passenger. She is reported to have been seen jumping from a carnival cruise. Hey, this story does smell a bit fishy to us. Please understand that I did work for this company. Wish that we got the complete story on what is going on now.
Democrats want to protect gray wolves and that fact does not amaze me. I prefer to protect little lambs, but that is just me. What can we say?
Hey, going shopping. Well, you might hurry up as shop prices rise. Things are getting to be so expensive. Inflation is on a roar.
Few people think about why some nations are rich and why some nations are poor. For example, look at North Korea and South Korea as both are similar in many ways. However, we do know that South Korea has a lot more freedom of expression. North Korea is a harsh dictatorship with limited liberties for commoners. Which model we choose determines not just how much freedom we have, but also how much wealth we enjoy.