OK, so seeing a beautiful rainbow after a hard rain is so nice. I really do miss... like when the weather was warm. This is suppose to be the coldest year in 16 years. Yeah, it certainly is a wee bit chilly for me.

Oh wow, modern food has lost its nutrients over the years. This affects every wheat grain. Also, every ear... that is of corn. Maybe, we can eat more. However, the nutritional value of food is a lot lower than it was years ago.
Believe it or not, certain numbers are full of hate and um racism. People who think they are number one... like they are a zero. AI is racism. Please get use to eating the great taste of soy. That is all they wanna let us eat now. Herbivore are boring to the max. Instead, I like lions, tigers, and other carnivores.
Oh wow, flying cars may appear soon. That is awesome news. It is called an air car. However, you will need a pilots license to fly one. Yeah, that is a bit of a pain for us. Still, here we are.
Meta aka face book bans russia from running ads now. Great job as we see. Folks, the situation is max serious. Do hope that things can improve. What we need is peace... I do not like war.
I feel that there is less emphasis on nature in our universe now. Worlds might have been quite different, if we had made other choices years ago. Best that we find ourselves a new way... in our new era.
People often wanna capture a photo shot of their own screen. Truth be told as it is usually not that easy. For example, certain websites can indeed block our getting access. It is a strange world that we are in.
NVIDIA is using a new AI processor. This will make your own games... look better than ever. Well, that is their own promise. Funny how important video games are. Humans are spending a lot more of our time in simulated virtual worlds and allowing this real one... to rip apart at the seams even.
Empty shelves are one concern. There are many more. Let us say that grocery prices are going up. It is not just bread and eggs. What we see is ALL over. People are tired of paying more. Farmers are not seeing a rise in income. Big companies are gouging us.
Oh wow, inflation is on a roar. This is a FRIGHT mare economic scenario. Folks, we are not making this horror movie up. Just look at our grocery prices. Like they are rising at the fastest pace in 40 years. It is so worrisome.
Apple might make a car. This would allow them to compete with Tesla as well as other high technology companies. However, we are not so sure. Oh yes, time will tell as we see. Maybe, we are in a new era.
Take a look at veggies. Like they are so expensive. It is bad all over. Welcome to a world with super high grocery prices. Expect things to cost more.
Texas bans books on racism. What a way to start a new year. Hey, we see a lot of books that we wanna remove. Folks, it was a comic book - wow. Not a great time to be a comic. Private schools are interesting to me.