Yo, the Ford Edsel is often seen as... like the opposite of success. Basically, it was failure in the form of a car. Oh wow, we do wonder if one owns one. Ah yes, that might not be so nice. Still, here we are now in an eerie universe.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Thursday, December 28, 2023
winter blues
It is important to fight winter blues as darker days set in. Oh yes, we do wonder why people are sad in winter and happy in summer. Well, we do have one word for you - snow.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023
video games
Oh wow, people like to play online video games. There are few software program that bring in more revenue. Hey, it is an interesting universe we are in. Instead of solving the world's problems, we prefer to play games. Frankly, this does not amaze me. Do hope that God will have mercy on us.

Saturday, December 23, 2023
open mind
It is best to have a mind that is open. Conspiracy theories can wind up being true and that is so scary. Well, we do not have all the facts in front of us. Often the truth is stranger than fiction as we see. Having an open mind is an awesome resource.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
OK, so one way to slow global warming... like is to use e-bike delivery services. Sadly, we do not believe it will become popular this year... like for that matter the next one. People love to use cars. It is not a lot of fun to be on an electric bicycle when it rains.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Sadly, e-bikes can cause fires - wow. This is some sour news. Well, it would be more alarming if we read that they can cause cancer. Still, we do like to go places with an electric motor when we age. Do tell, but what the fell, as we see. Yeah, the one thing I do like about e-bikes is going up steep hills is easier.
Sunday, December 17, 2023
dog shelters
Yo, dog shelters are taking in a record number of canines. This is due to our on going economic crisis. Oh wow, it could turn into a massive recession. Folks, we did say - massive. Personally, we do hope there are homes found for our canine companions. I do not think they will be happy living their lives in a cage.

Friday, December 15, 2023
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Yo, an AI chat bot started swearing... like at consumers even. Well, it was shut down by the company - no surprise. This new technology is more full of bugs that a pack of beagle dogs fighting over a bone inside a field of corn in summer. Well, that is my opinion. I leave the rest of it up to you.
Monday, December 11, 2023
vibrant colors
let me say that vibrant colors are great in photography if your aim... like is to create some awesome images. La Boca in Argentina is a very color place as we see. The palette is so warm. Hey, we do enjoy this place and would feel great if we had our own version. Well, if wishes were horses then all would ride -beggars even.

Saturday, December 9, 2023
horrible architecture
I just love horrible architecture that is the worst ever seen. Still, there are those who do not share my passion. Just what can we see. Hey, this is one maximum insane universe.

Thursday, December 7, 2023
technology jobs
OK, so the golden age of technology jobs is over. Frankly, we do not believe that their ever was a GOLDEN age. Hey, we could be wrong. Certainly, high tech can often be low pay. Well, that is what we have to say.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
The risk of a recession can increase. Yeah, this is due to our on going economic crisis. Do hope that they are wrong once more. Hey, we do need an economic recovery.

Sunday, December 3, 2023
Church is not as popular as it once was. OK, so a lot of regular average people have stopped going now. Last year, they were blaming corona virus. Do wonder what the excuse is... like for this year. Maybe, we really do need to understand what is actually going on.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Basically, super human artificial intelligence is near. Maybe, we need to plan ahead as this trend is worrisome. Tools to control AI need to be built in to the very process. Of course, people will often cut corners. Ah yes, but of course.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
electric cars
Let me tell you something about electric cars. They are fine in summer. However, in winter, they lose range. Batteries are bases on a chemical reaction with is affect by cold temperatures in a negative way.
Monday, November 27, 2023
Often, we can indeed wonder just where we are going. Yes, there are calm breezes in summer. However, in a cold winter, that is not our case. Let me tell you, a cold winter is so near.
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Thursday, November 23, 2023
new year
I do look forward to our new year. Do hope that it is much better than the last one. Hey, that is what we see. Frankly, we need a change in our scene.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
manual mode
Shooting a camera in manual mode is not so easy. Hey, it is really difficult to get proper exposure. OK, so we do need to create more awareness. Sadly, most people leave their digital camera on automatic and get photographs that are sub par and then some more. It is time that we learn more about our cameras.

Thursday, November 16, 2023
Artificial intelligence is gaining on us. Jobs are going away. People really do need to become more aware. Hey, we are living in a new DIGITAL era. Robots could take over. Well, that does sound a bit over the top, but we certainly do hope that we are wrong.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Sunday, November 12, 2023
steam boat Willie
Disney is in woe. OK, so here we go. It seems that steam boat Willie will lose copy write protection on January 1, 2024 - wow. It will be the first of many... like to enter the public domain, and that means for Disney less money coming in.
Friday, November 10, 2023
Oh yes, lithium deposits in Northern Quebec are enormous. Well, that is certainly some awesome news. Do hope that we see a lower price in batteries for electric cars. Hey, we need to find a new way.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
olive oil
Hey, olive oil popularity is going up. Also, the price rises. It is all about supply and demand in economics. Perhaps, the supply in coming years can increase. Please be it so. Let me say... that inflation is a major pain.

Monday, November 6, 2023
People still blame corona virus on our issues. Hey, we do have a low marriage rate and a low birth rate that is below replacement level right now. Folks, this is not a minor concern. After all, children are our future in more ways an one. Do let that one sink in. OK, so we need to return back to the ways of previous eras.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Nobody wants to read the word salad garbage generated by the latest artificial intelligence programs. Basically, it is spam. Yeah, we are not kidding you. It sounds and feels so maximum ominous. Sadly, robots taking our jobs away is a distressingly common occurrence. Maybe, we need to create a new way forward for all of us.

Sunday, October 29, 2023
Often we do wonder about the journey we are on. Just where is it taking us. Yeah, that is a great question and we have no answer.
Friday, October 27, 2023
economic crisis
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
I like to create some awesome images. Photographs have an essential truth in em. It is hard to describe what it is. That said, we can simply grasp that reality is much harsher than fantasy in many ways. Horses are real, but what is imaginary is a unicorn.

Friday, October 20, 2023
social media
Ah yes, social media needs to step up. Sadly, a lot of bad things are going on. Parents often lack needed awareness. Folks, there are some serious issues. It is not just spam.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
video games
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Apple computer company sank one billion dollars into building an Apple car, but they did not build even one. Sadly, we see Steve Jobs passed away from cancer. His dream was to build an electric self driving car. Here we are. The new bosses at apple only care about money. Sadly, we feel that the old dreamers are no more.
Sunday, October 15, 2023
massive mansions
Do wish we could all live in a massive mansion. However, that is not our case. Good high paying jobs are scarce. People have very little money now. Just look at gas prices. Those cause us pump pain. Yeah, we do wonder what tomorrow will bring us. Sadly, a lot of people live in tiny trailers as we lack economic resources.
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
economic crisis
Artificial intelligence could cause a catastrophic financial or economic crisis. Ah yes, we do see a massive recession. Basically, a lot of repetitive jobs are going away. Do blame computer automation on our economic woes. Folks, dark days are ahead for us. Let us work together to have a better future in common.

Monday, October 9, 2023
Small towns in USA are shrinking and some... do look like we are in a war zone. Like wow, we need to do something right away. Otherwise. it is game over. Fellow colleagues, please do understand that situation we are in... is serious. It is not just what we see now. After all, this problem has indeed been brewing for quite many years. Politicians can plead ignorance. However, the numbers do not lie to us.
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Here is a favorite of mine. It is a wonderful song. Somehow, it is full of joy. Well, that emotion is so nice. Let us rejoice in what God has given us.
Thursday, October 5, 2023
far far away
I want to get out of this rat race. Oh wow, it would be great to go to a place that is far far away. For example, a cabin up in the mountains near a river. Ah yes, I could also like to be near a lake that is peaceful and serene. Let me tell you. Cities are full of pollution and loud raucous noises. Please give me some pure air.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Ah yes, fall colors are so beautiful and then some more. Basically, they are so warm. I do like the early autumn combination of red, gold, and green. It is so awesome. Hey, we also do get a lot of leave that turn bright flaming orange. Well, it is a great season. Most of us do prefer cool crisp fall to cold winter and all the snow.
Sunday, October 1, 2023
AI sounds are close to real and this is especially true in voices. Deep fake videos are all the rage now. It is getting harder to tell what is real now. Faking people is so easy as we see. There need to be more regulation to prevent abuse of artificial technology and programs. Well, that is my own opinion.
Monday, September 25, 2023
Oh wow, technology firms keep pouring billion into artificial intelligence and at the same time laying off human workers as we finally realize that robots are our enemies. Fellow citizens, jobs are going away. Truly, we are entering a new era. Humans are obsolete as we are replaced by algorithms and code once more.

Saturday, September 23, 2023
remote work
Ah yes, remote work is all the rage now. People want to work from their own domicile for various reasons. Let me say that this new trend is super max. First off, we do save a lot of money on gas. OK, so then add that there is a lot less wear and tear on our cars. Yeah, those highway miles do add wear. It is actually for the best that we not have so many useless boring meetings in the conference room.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Animal shelters now report that a record number of dogs are being taken in. Oh wow, this is some severe sour news. Do hope people take better care... like of their canine companions. Yeah, they are called man's best friend for a reason.

Sunday, September 17, 2023
People are leaving cities and there are many reason. It is not just smog or crime. Big cities tend to be very noisy. Remote work allows us to live far away from big cites and urban areas. Most of us do like to live in places that are serene. Basically, the opposite of peace is war. Yeah, those conflicts are not so nice.

Friday, September 15, 2023
actors versus AI
Certainly, actors find artificial intelligence programs worrisome. They do not like that AI has the impressive ability to generate images. Sadly, it can also generate readable computer code that it high level and quite concise. Fellow workers, we are entering into a new era.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023
big tech
Oh wow, the cushy big tech job is no more. Just look at high technology firms now. They are laying off workers all over. Hey, it is not just a few companies. Basically, this new trend has become so common.

Monday, September 11, 2023
I do enjoy history, but some mistakes are very expensive. Let us look at some now. OK, so we like new coke, but it was a disaster and that is me being nice. The loss in soft drink sales was so worrisome.

Saturday, September 9, 2023
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Joseph E. Strickland
Joseph E. Strickland a conservative Bishop was removed by the pope. I wonder how many more conservatives he will remove. Yeah, this is not my imagination as we see. Fellow colleagues, something is afoot and we need to understand what it is.
Friday, September 1, 2023
Today I saw a wonderful restaurant with a gazebo that was so nice. Oh yes, there truly is a lot of beauty in our universe. Let us give God praise... for what He created for us.
Monday, August 21, 2023
The pope said we should build bridges and not walls, but I am not so sure. A lot of criminals are getting in now. Ah yes, things could get even worse. Do hope that we can avoid entering into a massive recession.
Breakfast cereal can contain a dangerous pesticide linked to infertility issues. Folks, this is some worrisome news. Maybe, we need to monitor our food supply some more. Also, we can eat organic.

Saturday, August 19, 2023
It is a long hard climb to get where we are going now. Often, the paltry rewards are few and the pain is severe. Oh yes, but we can still climb on. Not exactly sure... like what the end stage final destination is.
Thursday, August 17, 2023
real estate
OK so real estate home sales are way down now. Yeah, it is the worst since 1995 even. That should indeed amaze no one. Folks, we are in an economic crisis. Like wow, it could turn into a massive recession.

remote work
Hey, remote work is super max. Yeah, there are so many reasons. First, we save a lot of money... like not buying gas. Second, there is a lot less wear on our cars. Please do make bosses aware... that you put less CO2 in our air. Yeah, we can see a lot of pluses and few if any minuses.
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
birth rate
A lot less people are getting married now. Do blame our economic crisis. The birth rate is far below replacement level - wow. Folks, this is some worrisome news. Sadly, I do not see a very bright future for our empire. Yeah, that said, old empires fall and new ones rise. Oh yes, history marches on.
Friday, August 11, 2023
Here is the latest news. Oh yes, mini mouse is a man. I always had my suspicions on Mickey, but there we are. Yeah, it is good to be suspicious in our new universe. Franky, we can expect the fairy godmother to have a beard soon.
Friday, July 28, 2023
Controversy is all around us. Transsexual swimmers, who have not completed the transisioning process are allowed to undress right next to biologically born women - and females who complained were told to get 'reeducated' - wow. Frankly, this very highly divisive issue of transsexuals allowed into women's showers has spilled over from the pool into the locker room.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Vacations as we know them are over. They are blaming our climate crisis. Opinion: Vacations as we know it are over | CNN Folks, this is something that causes me sorrow. Hey. we need time off and to relax some more.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Free speech
Monday, July 17, 2023
our news
People are tuning out our news. Most of it is sour. Yeah, that is what we now see. Do tell, but there we are. Sadly, things for humans do not improve when we employ massive ignorance. Often they do the exact opposite of improve. Like wow, they get even worse... do wake up.
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
white paint
OK, so white pain could help stop global warming. This sounds like a joke to me. Still, they do have a point it seems. Maybe, we need to have a lot of white roofs on our modern office buildings now. Hey, it might help cool our world some more.

Sunday, July 9, 2023
Robots are becoming more common. Home robots could indeed replace our scullery maids in coming years. Ah yes, time will tell as we see. Do hope that these metal men do not form a new workers unions. Otherwise, we might need to pull the plug a bit sooner.
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
stock market
People are wondering about how the stock market would react to a Trump win. I would hope that it would send markets higher, but we will see.
Monday, June 26, 2023
Culture wars
Culture wars are raging. It is left versus right once more. Only one decade ago, the Democrat Party platform did not even mention the word - trans. And yet today, trans rights are perhaps the party's defining cause. The left has won the culture war. This makes 2012 feel like a century ago in the collective memory.
Sunday, June 25, 2023
warm summer
Get ready for a warm summer. This is one of the longest heat waves ever. Yeah, records were broken this year.
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Night Owls
Sunday, June 11, 2023
The American Medical Association is cancelling BMI or body mass index due to racism. Oh wow, like this is just too crazy insane. Hey, we do know some people who are massive. Maybe, gravity is racism. People do weigh a lot less on our moon.