Sunday, May 21, 2023


 Netflix is cracking down on password sharing once more. Yeah, they really do  wanna hit us with another massive  price increase. Friends, this is one sorry service. Well, it can fill our hearts with some sorrow. Basically, their company... like wants to earn more coins.

Friday, May 19, 2023


 Hey, we do like to see awesome movies... like on a massive screen even. Well, our news is - that sadly, I am poor. Therefore, my TV is a small one. Still, it is much better than my phone which has a micro size screen.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

economic crisis

 OK, so the commercial real estate sector is in woe. Fellow colleagues, we are in a massive recession or an economic crisis. Hey, it is hard to tell which one. Also, we do know that a lot of people are working from home now. Technological breakthroughs allow you to meet people using zoom. Basically, fast internet makes the world a different place for us.

Thursday, May 11, 2023


 There is currently a college going gap. Actually, we can see that this news is so worrisome. People should be able to get the training that they require. Sadly, we know that college is expensive. Also, student loans are an onerous burden on our young. Hey, we did say onerous.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


 CGI means computer generated images. They are everywhere it seems. OK, so creating hands in an issue. People can find our new era worrisome. Hey, it is an eerie universe we are in. Best that we keep both of our eyes open.