The pope said we should build bridges and not walls, but I am not so sure. A lot of criminals are getting in now. Ah yes, things could get even worse. Do hope that we can avoid entering into a massive recession.
Monday, August 21, 2023
Breakfast cereal can contain a dangerous pesticide linked to infertility issues. Folks, this is some worrisome news. Maybe, we need to monitor our food supply some more. Also, we can eat organic.

Saturday, August 19, 2023
It is a long hard climb to get where we are going now. Often, the paltry rewards are few and the pain is severe. Oh yes, but we can still climb on. Not exactly sure... like what the end stage final destination is.
Thursday, August 17, 2023
real estate
OK so real estate home sales are way down now. Yeah, it is the worst since 1995 even. That should indeed amaze no one. Folks, we are in an economic crisis. Like wow, it could turn into a massive recession.

remote work
Hey, remote work is super max. Yeah, there are so many reasons. First, we save a lot of money... like not buying gas. Second, there is a lot less wear on our cars. Please do make bosses aware... that you put less CO2 in our air. Yeah, we can see a lot of pluses and few if any minuses.
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
birth rate
A lot less people are getting married now. Do blame our economic crisis. The birth rate is far below replacement level - wow. Folks, this is some worrisome news. Sadly, I do not see a very bright future for our empire. Yeah, that said, old empires fall and new ones rise. Oh yes, history marches on.
Friday, August 11, 2023
Here is the latest news. Oh yes, mini mouse is a man. I always had my suspicions on Mickey, but there we are. Yeah, it is good to be suspicious in our new universe. Franky, we can expect the fairy godmother to have a beard soon.