Yo, daylight savings time is near. Hey, we will have to adjust our clocks once more. OK, so sadly my internal clock does need some TIME um to catch up. All these changes are starting to worry us even more.

Yo, daylight savings time is near. Hey, we will have to adjust our clocks once more. OK, so sadly my internal clock does need some TIME um to catch up. All these changes are starting to worry us even more.
OK, so employers can claim that they will hire more employees without a college degree, but that does not occur. Basically, they are lying to us. They did make this comment years ago... for public relations purposes. However, reality does not match what they say. Please try to keep your eyes open. Often, what we hear is not what we see.
Here is the latest news on bit coin miners. They are devouring our energy... like at a record pace even. Well, that cannot be very green. I do not know what is going on. People want us to switch to using a DIGITAL currency. Hey, we are fine with paper.
Artificial intelligence require a lot of memory. Let, me add a lot of our computational processing power. Yeah, it is an energy pig. Basically, it uses up... lots of rare minerals that are expensive. Do understand that artificial intelligence computer programs are the opposite of green. Expect an increase in power use.