Thursday, June 14, 2007

2 much drama 4 osamarama

Some bad news for osamarama it seems that Al Bore is thinking of joining the race. Yes Ozoneman that super zero that constantly talks about global warming is ready to throw his hat in the ring of our little rodeo.

With ozoneman in the race, osamarama does not stand a chance. All the Xtreem libs that like to hug trees will vote for o3man We call him that because ozone is O3 - three oxygen atoms banded together.

As it is now, billiary is the front runner, coming up fast is o3man at position two, closing in on position three is the brek girl, or is that shrek girl? And finally far far away fighting for position four are osamarama and kuku chicken nich.

Things are very grim for the muslim candidate with the phunny name.

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