Thursday, June 7, 2007


Seems that ophra is going to charter a skinny silver rocket to the moon. It's a quick way to loose weight. You weigh on 1/6 as much on the moon.

For example a woman that weighs 600 pounds like ophra would weigh only 100 pounds on the moon. Say hi to Ingiknot and Err!

Today ophra is very happy, osamarama pulled ahead in the polls (that must hurt). He is ahead of billary and breck girl. Let's give a big round of applause to osamarama the most militant man on earth.

This manchurian candidate is a chameleon who pretends to be Christian but went to a madrassa (tearist training camp). When osamarama sees a fellow fundamentalist he slaps on a turdban faster than you can say BOO.

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