Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Barak osama

It seems that Barak has passed Billary in the polls. Imagine that Dirty Barry duh next prez. Oh yes, liberals do not like to call him oSAMa, took American I guess, like Uncle oSAMa, they prefer to call him oBOMBa. He dah BOM!

Personally I would like to board a plane wearing a turnan and when they ask me my name say - Hussein oBOMBERa. Me thinks that security would detain me. What about a man named GUNser? Or a woman named Bebe? She thinks she's a hotshot, but personally I think she's a woman of low caliber.

Getting back to Crazy Barry. a muslim with a funny name that sounds a lot like oSAMa, but it is really oBOMBa. Perhaps he can change his name to Obi, as in Obi one Kenobi. May the force be with you not after you.


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