Hitlery - She manages to screw everything up, so probably. Less intelligence than the husband, but more testosterone, is that possible?
Lurch - You rang? He is not running this time, but yes. Heck, this guy volunteered for Vietnam. He ain't afraid of nutin'!
Ozoneman - He actually looks forward to an oil shortage - it would reduce our carbon footprint. Also, he is too busy worring about the ozone layer and saving the whales.
Breck Girl - She is afraid of loud noise and too busy fixing her hair. Start a war, not likely.
Osama - and kill his fellow turdban wearing tearists?
Dud - Anything is possible. He needs to grow a backbone first. What's the chance of that?
KuKu Chicken Nich - This fowl bird runs away at the first sign of danger. NO.